Chapter 30: 🍋 A Day of Rest, A Day of Fun pt 2 🍋

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Hello our Lovelies!!

We are still alive! We did not mean to take such a long hiatus, but we are back baby! Life has not been too kind to us the last few months, so we are stressed, depressed and a big whole mess, but we are still here. We've gotten sucked into writing the rewrite, new chapters, and a whole new AU that will come later.

But as an apology for the long wait, have this deliciously long chapter featuring all of our boys complete with some new twists! How will Reader handle it? Read on and found out!



You groan and let out a sleepy mumble, nuzzling down into the soft pillow under your head where you hear a gentle airry laugh before lips press to your forehead.

"You need to wake up, Butterfly."

You crack an eye open to see Killer leaning over the bed, dressed in his jeans and a clean button down and you frown in confusion. "Wha's goin on?"

"We've got errands to run today, babygirl, so you've gotta get up now."

You pout and groan, closing your eyes as you nuzzle deeper into the pillow you're cradling under your head. "I dun wanna..."

"Told you!" You hear Kid from behind you as the bed shifts and you hear him working the laces of his boots. "Dragged me outta bed for nothin. Why d'we need ta get up anyway? We were having such a wonderful nap."

"Because we have errands to run. Can't spend all day in bed no matter how badly we want to."

"Mm with Kid," you mumble. "Sstay an cuddle w'me."

"As much as I want to, we can't." Killer sighs softly and reaches over, brushing your hair away from your neck and shoulders. "Would you like to come with us? Or would you rather stay with Heat and Wire? They were going to hang out in their room today since they aren't needed."

You think a moment as he walks across the room towards the bathroom before you yawn widely, rolling on your back where you stretch your arms over your head, pointing your toes as you stretch your legs down and when you shift your hips your calf suddenly and painfully tightens with a cramp making you gasp and yelp as you sit up, the suddenness of it making Kid jump and turn quickly with wide eyes.

"What? What is it?!"

"C-cramp!" You eke out trying to bend your ankle to stretch out the back of your leg to stop it but it's not helping. Oh, fuck does it hurt, your knee and thigh tensing as you shift around trying to get it to stop. "Fucking fuck it hurts!"

You yelp again when Kid crawls onto the bed in front of you and takes hold of your ankle, pressing the bottom of your foot against his chest as he leans forward to stretch the muscle as his hands rub along your calf. You blush and look up, his amber eyes catching you in their intense gaze and you swallow thickly quickly getting lost in their depths.

"That better?" He asks with a grunt as he gently kneads at the now relaxed muscle and you give a small nod. "Good."

He lets your calf go and sits back, letting you lower your leg before he crawls up between them to give you a scalding kiss.

"We could just stay here in bed y'know," he says against your lips and you can feel his smirk before he leans back. "Killer can take care of shit himself. I don't see why-ack!"

He's cut off as a damp washcloth wraps around his face with a solid wet smack from Killer swatting him with it, making you laugh as he growls and narrows his eyes turning to glare at Killer.

Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F!Reader X Killer) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя