Chapter 16: Whatever it takes.

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(Hello I am not dead! Well not physically anyway but definitely mentally. I got spoiled for the most recent chapters in the One Piece Manga about my boys and I think that shocked me into a depression where I couldn't write. Anyway I'm back my lovelies! We are almost to Shanks and I'll just will need tissues for those chapters! Anyway shoutout to PhynixQueen for helping me mix the song used in this chapter! Enjoy!

Song is a mix of Angel with a shotgun by deathcab for cuties and Whatever it takes by imagine dragons)

Main story!

"Can you really use all of these weapons?"

You gave a small chuckle as you moved around the armory, doing an internal checklist as you inspected the contents inside. Simon watched in interest as you picked up a pistol, squinting an eye as you aimed in at the opposite wall before placing it back down. "In case you've forgotten, I grew up with the captain and the boys. They taught me everything I know. So to answer your question, yes. I know how to use all of these weapons. I prefer my blades but can use most weapons in a pinch."

Simon gave a low whistle as he picked up a whip that laid curled on the table, the leather handle cold to the touch. "Even this? Have to admit this would be interesting to watch." He set it down with a blush as you gave a snicker.

"That was actually one of my first weapons I ever used. Stopped using it because the men all became perverts in battle and it was annoying." You walked up and lifted it, inspecting it as you smiled. "Maybe I should bring it back. Give the crew a surprise." Simon jumped as you gave it an experimental shake, a sharp cracking noise heard as you laughed.

"I would not want to be on the receiving end of that." Simon said as you curled up the weapon.

You shook your head and gave a chuckle as you gathered up some weapons, motioning for him to do the same. "C'mon, Kid and the crew are waiting for us to start training." The teen nodded and grabbed the rest of the weapons you had laid out and followed you out and up to the deck.

Killer looked up from the table he and Kid were at as you flew up from below deck, arms ladened with weapons and Simon struggling behind you. He gave a small chuckle that made Kid look up as well, the redhead giving a smirk as they watched you. You stuck out your tongue at them before moving to lay out the weapons on deck, keeping the whip on your hip. When you were satisfied with the layout, you shrunk down to child size and flew over to the table.

"What are you boys doing?" You landed on the table and knelt on your knees as you peered over the papers scattered around. You looked up as Killer chuckled and placed a hand on your head, ruffling your hair slightly before moving to stand behind you, placing his arms on either side as he leaned over you. You gave a small giggle as you leaned back against him and reached up to gently stroke his chin under his mask, feeling the whisper of a beard starting to grow in.

"We are looking at maps of known islands under Shank's flag. Heat and Wire have been able to locate some of them through eavesdropping while in towns." Killer said, his low voice making a shiver run down your spine as he leaned down, placing his chin on your shoulder, his mask cold against your skin.

You let out a hum as you looked down at the maps, watching Kid out of the corner of your eye. The redheaded captain was staring down at the table, chewing on his bottom lip as he stood deep in thought. "Find anything else useful?"

Kid glanced at you as he thought, before letting out a big sigh. "Other than that some of his crew likes to frequent these islands as "protectors" so to speak, nothing else, no." You jumped slightly as he slammed his hands down, a small snarl curling his lips. "We are so close to finding this bastard but he moves so frequently that he doesn't have a well known home base like Kiado or Big Mom." Heat and Wore nodded in agreement across the table.

Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F!Reader X Killer) Where stories live. Discover now