Chapter 12: Syren's Call

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(A/n. I am so sorry this took 2 weeks for me to update. I am losing steam with this story as I keep hitting writers block as I work a full time job and barely have time to think. I have so many ideas for later chapters but can't write them as I haven't even gotten to the Wano arc in real-time yet so it feels wrong to write about it as I like to be a perfectionist. Anyhoo again sorry for the late chapter and I hope you enjoy this one!

Song: Jolly Sailor Bold by Ashley Serena)

Main story

"Will you ever cut your hair Kil?" You murmured as you gently brushed through the golden mane in your hands. You were currently relaxing in Killers room with you sitting on his bed and him sitting on the floor between your legs, his head in your lap. As you waited for the blonde to respond, you tugged a little as your brush caught on a knot in his hair. You froze however you heard a low moan, so quiet you almost missed it. You gave an experimental tug again and smiled when you heard the sound again. No fucking way....

Holding back a giggle, you leaned over to place the brush back on the nightstand before placing both hands on the man's shoulders. You felt the blonde stiffen up a little as you traced small patterns up and down his shoulders and arms. You leaned down and blew slightly on his right ear, earning another little groan as you did.

"W-what are you d-doing Butterfly?"

You have a small hum as you moved his hair to the side slightly and began placing kisses on his neck, the older man slowly turning to putty underneath your touch. As you kissed him, you slowly intertwined your fingers through his hair again feeling him starting to relax again under your hands. Suddenly you gripped his hair and tugged backwards sharply and the moan the blonde man gave sent shivers running down your spine, heat starting to pool in your lower stomach.

"Looks like I found a weak spot." You whispered in his ear as you gave him another tug.

You felt him shiver as your breath ghosted over his ear. He gave another low moan, his blue eyes widening with lust as he stared up at you through his bangs, his chest heaving slightly as his painted blue lips parted slightly as he panted. You felt his breath hitch as you ghosted a hand over his throat, fingers dancing lightly.


You looked down in surprise as his blue eyes fluttered up at you, his cheeks flushed a deep red. "Please what my love? Use your words, my Sunflower." You placed a gentle kiss on his neck as you tugged his hair again.

A knock on the door interrupted the blonde, with you instinctively covering the man with your wings to hide him. You looked up as Kid entered the room, a smirk on your face as he stomped inside, closing the door behind him with a thud. The red head looked around, a smirk of his own forming on his painted lips as he took in the scene in front of him.

"Where's Killer?"

With a mischievous giggle, you gave a slight tug to Killer's hair again, causing the blonde to give out a strangled moan underneath your wings. Kid cocked a non existent eyebrow and licked his painted lips as realization hit him. He walked up to where you were sitting on the bed and kneeled in front of you, a hand reaching for your wings. He paused as he looked up at you for permission. You gave a small nod and lifted your wings back to reveal Killer in your lap.

Kid looked almost hungry-like as he gazed down at his first mate. It was only with you and/or Kid did Killer let his guard down completely, even forgoing wearing his mask, revealing his most hated part of himself for the ones who cared most about it. And right now he was letting down his walls for both of you. Kid licked his lips as he leaned in and gently caressed Killers cheek, the blonde whimpering softly as he pushed into the red head's hand.

Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F!Reader X Killer) Where stories live. Discover now