Chapter 24: 🍋Midnight Desserts Part 1🍋

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(A/N: Hello, hello, hello!!! We are back!

I'm so sorry for the long wait. Life took me by the throat and decided to fuck me hard! Between moving houses and getting and losing jobs, it's been one hell of a ride.

So! This chapter was originally one loooong one - almost 20,000 words! - so I decided to split it and make it a two-parter. The inspiration for them came to me as a sudden, random mess of thoughts and ideas, and thanks to my writing Goddess we now can enjoy this masterpiece of pure smut.

PhynixQueen, you seriously are an absolute Goddess for writing this as while my brain may come up with the ideas, my body doesn't connect to it enough to write as beautifully as you do.

Without further ado, enjoy part one of Midnight Dessert!

Chapter contains:
Food play
Eating out
Jacking off

Enjoy! 😈♥️


A bright flash of light, blinding you even through your closed lids followed quickly by a bone rattling explosion of thunder shocked you fully awake, unable to hold back the scream of surprise that ripped from your throat. A strong arm tightened around your waist, hauling you closer to a broad and overly warm chest and at first your whole body tensed, ready to fight off whoever was holding you but on your next inhale you were overwhelmed with the comforting faint scent of oil and leather and everything that made Kid smell like him and you instantly relaxed, taking in deep breaths as you calmed your racing heartbeat. Another flash and crash of thunder makes you flinch and hold to the arm holding you tight and you felt Kid nuzzle into your hair and murmur sleepily before he let out a soft snore and you couldn't help but giggle. You patted his hand before reaching out blindly to the space in front of you, but your hand only met empty air and a cool pillow making you frown. On the next flash of lightning you're able to confirm the space is unoccupied, the blond nowhere in sight.

"Kil?" You call softly, trying to look around but you get no answer, and you see the bathroom door is open and his mask isn't in its normal spot with the next flash. You're ready for the thunder but you still flinch and once it passes you ease yourself out of Kid's hold. It was no easy feat as he refused to let you go, mumbling and holding you close with a furrowed brow but once you managed to free yourself he relaxed with another mumble about Killer hogging you that made you stifle a giggle. You lean over to press a gentle kiss on his lips as he frowned again before he rolled over onto his back, his red hair messily falling on his face. He may 'share' you with Killer, but he was still very possessive about you and it warmed your heart.

Fluttering your wings you gracefully float over Kid until you can stand on the floor but as soon as your weight is on your feet you almost stumble. Upright now you could feel just how much the ship was rocking in the storm and you wanted nothing more than to crawl back into the warm bed with your redheaded furnace but you were intent on finding Killer. You stretched as you rummaged in the shared dresser, slipping on a silky dark purple nightgown to cover your naked upper torso and the black lace panties you wore to bed. The gown the boys picked out for you at the last island you had docked at, with them leaving it out on the bed with a note saying since it was a mixture of their colors it would be only fitting for you to wear it. About how good you would look in it sleeping or awake and they were right. The long flowy fabric hugged your body in all the right places - your favorite part being how it held and accented your breasts just right - with the back cut low leaving more than enough space for your wings to move freely.

Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F!Reader X Killer) Where stories live. Discover now