Chapter 17: Broken Trust and Promises Part One

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Rewritten by PhynixQueen on 1/12.

A/n: Far warning for the next few chapters, they will be very dark.

You held in a groan as you got ready for your shift at the busiest strip club/ brothel on the island. This is the 3rd island your crew has stopped at over the course of the last month and you were starting to regret your idea. As you sat in front of your mirror, your ears perked up as you heard some of the other dancers start gossiping on their way to their makeup stations.

"Did you hear?! There's a couple of big names out there tonight!" One of the girls giggled as she brushed out her hair.

"Oh really?! Who is it this time?" A brunette said as she put her lipstick on before puckering her lips as she checked her reflection.

"Well there's the Rattail Pirates, a well known group from the West Blue. And there's also the BlackRose Pirates from the North Blue. They are so gorgeous." A pink hair girl said as she pretended to faint into her chair, a hand pressed to her head as she giggled.

You rolled your eyes as you half listened, focusing on your mirror as you rummaged through your makeup bag. Thank the Gods the men on your crew wear it because, even though you're a girl, you’re hopeless when it comes to makeup. You smiled though when you pulled out two tubes of lipstick, one a deep red, the other a light sea blue. You hummed to yourself when you thought back to when the boys decided you needed help with your look.


"Sit still, Shrimp, or I'm gonna mess up." Kid grumbled, an eyeliner pen poised in the air as he grabbed your chin to hold you in place. "Now close your eyes and don't open."

A small huff escaped your lips and you pouted up at him as he smirked before closing your eyes. You flinched slightly as you felt the wet tip of the brush glide across your eyelid before it moved to your other side. You hummed slightly as Kid worked, his hand steady and strong. Both of them were pretty good at makeup since they both wore some form of it. Neither of them really needed it, but damn did they look good when they did. Especially Kid when he opted for some eyeliner. It really brought out the fiery amber of his eyes.

"Have you thought about what your disguise is gonna be, little Bug?"

You jumped slightly when Kid gently blew on your face to help speed up the drying process before he gave you a quick peck on the lips as he finished. You opened your eyes and blinked a few times as Kid turned back to the desk to rummage through his supplies before you looked over at where Killers lithe form sprawled out on the bed, an arm behind his head as he watched the two of you.

"Well I've decided on an outfit and color, but I'm still trying to figure out my look per say. Need to change my hair and probably eye color so that no one will recognize me." You held up a hand mirror and took a look at the work Kid did on you after he ran a puffy brush over your cheeks in big soft circles. "Remind me to come to you when I need another makeover, because this is beautiful, Kid. Thank you!" You leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips, giggling slightly when you saw a light blush starting to blossom on his fair skin.

"Yeah yeah. It's whatever." He grumbled as he turned to put his stuff away.

You gave a small chuckle and moved to stand, arms over your head as you stretched, wings fluttering behind you. "Any color preference or ideas?" You moved to sit next to Killer on the bed, the latter moving his legs slightly to make room.

Killer reached over and absently played with a strand of your hair as he thought. "What color is your outfit?"

"Well I was debating between red and blue, but couldn't decide." You leaned back against Killer, half laying on his stomach as you yawned. "But then an idea came to me. What color do you get when one would mix the two?"

Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F!Reader X Killer) Where stories live. Discover now