Chapter 22: Strong Emotions Part 2 🍋

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(A/n: Welcome back my Lovelies! Heres the long waited 2nd part of the last chapter! Special thanks to PhynixQueen
For writing this out and she was so happy to! You are my Goddess woman
Anyway there is smut in this chapter ( finally am I right?! 🤣) anyway enjoy this super long chapter. 11,000 words plus oh my gods.

Main Story

Killer traced his fingertips in random soothing patterns over your arm and shoulder, his other holding your hand as he watched you sleep, your cheeks flushed and lips plump from all the kissing as your head rested on his chest, steadily rising and falling with his breaths. You finally looked peaceful and untroubled after a week of lingering turmoil and it made his heart soar that you trusted him enough to tell him of what was clouding your mind. That he made you feel comfortable and safe enough to show you how much you meant to him.

He sighed inwardly, a smile hinted in the corner of his lips thinking about the blue smears lingering against your skin and lips, left along his path to making you feel loved and adored. He could easily stay here and succumb to his own exhaustion but he had things to do. More importantly, someone to talk to. He wasn't looking forward to it. He never got out of you what exactly happened with Kid, but he figured it wasn't the best experience since it left you in such a state.

Kid... Killer sighed softly as he turned his head and stared at the ceiling, the image of the redhead popping into his mind. With Kid, it could have been any number of things, and all he knew for certain that it was getting on his nerves. Too often lately has he had to act as the middleman, trying to fix whatever screwup his partner caused with you. Kid was dense, but this was getting annoying. Even he should be able to tell, be able to understand that you went through something traumatic and needed time and patience. Not a strong suit of Kid's, Killer knew. But he could hope.

Instead of lingering and risking succumbing to the call of sleep, Killer carefully and gently extracted his arm from around you as he shifts to rise from the bed, lowering your head to the pillow he previously occupied and when you did little more than sigh and nuzzle into it he released the breath he was holding and, after covering you with the blanket and securing his mask over his face once more, walked out your door.

His steps were confident and his footfalls heavy as he walked down the hall and when he reached the main deck the crew were quick to get out of his way. They recognized that walk, the way his head was lowered just so as he moved with purpose. It was one they had become familiar with over the past week and they shuddered to think about what was going to happen this time. Even if it wasn't for that they could feel a chill about him, sense the tension in his broad shoulders that alerted to his foul mood. Yes, it was better to get out of his way and redouble their focus on their chores. When Wire went to walk past him he reached out, grabbing the taller man's arm in a loose grip to stop him. Wire looked at him with a worried expression.

"Dinner is ready and on the stove. Help yourselves and don't wait for us."

"Will do." Wire hesitated, looking over the striped mask with a frown as Killer released his hold. "Is everything okay with (Y/n) and Kid? I heard a loud commotion from his workshop after she ran out."

"That's what I'm going to find out."

"Want me to save you three plates for later?"

"If you want. Keep on course. You and Heat have command for now."

Killer made his way to the workshop after Wire gave his nod of understanding, the standalone room tucked away partially inside the large skull that adorned the front of their ship, throwing the door open without so much as a knock, already bristling and ready to lay into Kid but the sight before him gave him slight pause. Closing the door behind him he cast his eyes about the disheveled room, noting the items tossed and thrown about leaving the work bench cleared aside from a small decorative box in front of him, his goggles laying in a pile against the back wall like they were hastily tossed away.

Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F!Reader X Killer) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat