Chapter 20: Painful Truths

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(A/n : Once again, thanks to PhynixQueen for first helping write this out then again with re-writing it. Without you boo, I'd have been stuck with writers block, and my vision for this story wouldn't be nearly as detailed as you make it.

Anyho, hope yall enjoy!

TW: description of injuries, retelling of S/A, and panic attacks.



Main story

“If you’re done being all… cutesy over there,” Kid’s rough voice cuts through the moment drawing your attention away from Killer and you look around him towards the still scowling Captain to see him glaring at you with annoyed eyes. The cold emotion draws a whimper from you and you try to hide more under the blankets, not wanting to be here laying in his bed with him standing only a few feet away but he doesn't seem to notice. If he did, then he didn't say anything. “Do you think you can finally tell me what’s wrong with you and what the fuck happened? Ya know I hate bein left in the dark.” 

You open your mouth and try to speak but the instant burn as you inhale makes you wince and swallow harshly. The doctor told you to not talk so your throat could heal and all you’d done since is talk, yell and scream. A half laugh rattles in your chest and you shake your head, reaching out to take one of Killer's hands. 

“Will you hurry up? I don’t have all fucking day!”

Killer tenses, his hand squeezing yours briefly before he looks back at Kid, his blue eyes flashing darkly.  “You need to stop.”

“Stop what? Waitin for answers? Why won’t one of you just te-”

Killer slowly stands up, his jaw tensing before he speaks in a deep gravelly voice, using the tone he usually reserved for the bedroom when his dominant personality could take over, one that demanded immediate respect and obedience as he stared at Kid with narrow eyes, blue lips set in a thin line. “You will shut your mouth and sit your ass on that stool. You will wait there until we decide when you get told anything.”

Surprising to you, Kid audibly gulps and pales slightly, aside from his ears that turn a bright red as the tone sends a shiver down his spine and he’s compelled to obey, instantly sitting on the stool with his hands on his thighs, dropping a shoulder as he tilts his head down and to the side a bit to bear his neck, letting Killer know he’s been heard. You can’t help but laugh at the scene and the raspy sound draws Killer from his focus on Kid, turning it back to you and he gently shushes you for laughing at him. Feeling in better spirits than you have in days, you playfully stick your tongue out at him and he just rolls his eyes, shaking his head before giving you a small smile.

“Do you feel up to telling him?” Killer asks you, gently taking your hand as he once more kneels next to you. You nod and try to say something but your mouth and throat are dry and you wince again. “Do you need some water first?”

You nod slowly, giving a grateful smile at his question. He turns back to Kid, seeing he hasn’t moved from his spot. “Kid.” The man looks over before lowering his eyes again, a way to let Killer know he was heard. “Go get (Y/n) some water from the bathroom. Now please." 

“Yes, Sir.” Kid whispers and quickly moves to duck into the bathroom. Seconds later you hear the tap running briefly before its shut off and he reappears with a glass of water. You sit up, yet again wincing with a hiss as your side twinges. Kid notices and frowns, eyes flashing with worry as he hands Killer the glass when you flinch away from him trying to hand it to you before returning to his spot on the stool sitting once more with his hands resting atop his thighs. You flash your eyes up to Killer's in thanks when he hands you the glass, watching Kid as you slowly sip at the water, the first few hurting before it slowly eases. It was interesting seeing Kid like this when you three weren’t in the middle of something intimate, and even then you were usually too absorbed in your own pleasure to really take note of it. 

Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F!Reader X Killer) Where stories live. Discover now