Getting Lamentation In Your Ears

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(Y/N)'s POV

Tartarus. From a young age, people had told him it was the worst place there was or ever will be, that even the underworld couldn't compare. But he hadn't taken it seriously, I mean, when did he ever?

He had never really grasped the magnitude of it, just the concept was a tricky thing to wrap his head around, was it a prison? A person? A punishment? A warning? He didn't really ever get the answer, nobody ever wants to speak about a place like Tartarus.

All he knew was, Tartarus was the worst place to be. That was his understanding of it, he had threatened people with it for years, "I'll drag you down to Tartarus!" "I'll send you to Tartarus." It was just a word, a threat that he would use, he never really considered it.

Even when he had glanced into its depths, the abyss itself didn't really concern him, merely the things that resided in it, he never would have imagined the place itself, let alone ever actually going to it.

It was a secret from his friends. But in all his time spent in the pit as he fought against Olympus, protected by Nyx, he had barely ever ventured outside, the thought scared him too much. The vastness of it was dizzying.

He had spent as little time as possible in her mansion. The sounds of Tartarus alone could have drove him mad, he had to be protected from that alone. He couldn't even grasp what it must have been like for the things that resided here.

He had been sending monsters to Tartarus in droves for years without a second thought, he never actually thought he'd find himself there one day, he never thought his words and threats would eventually catch up with him.

Until that moment, when he let go and found himself falling into the abyss. The only reason he did so was because of the trust he had for Annabeth, and the thought of her being alone in the place he had heard nightmares about for years was too much to bear.

The feeling of trust lasted approximately the first two hundred thousand miles. It would have lasted so much longer if he wasn't so worried. (Y/N) had fallen from plenty of high places, the hoover dam, the empire state. Those were step stools compared to the fall to Tartarus.

As they fell, the first thing (Y/N) noticed was the overwhelming darkness that enveloped them. At the start of their descent, there was no light to be seen, no way to discern up from down as they tumbled through the endless void.

The only thing that (Y/N) could feel was Annabeth beside him. The air around him was hot and thick, suffocating him and filling his lungs with a sulphuric burn. Even breathing in Tartarus was a form of torment.

As the two of them continued to fall, the landscape around them began to materialize. They had seemingly passed through the land of the living, now that all that was left for them was the depths of the pit.

(Y/N) finally had a clear image of the place he kept so far from his mind all these years. The landscape of Tartarus stretched out before them, a daunting and terrifying expanse that promised nothing but endless torment and misery.

Looking over at the immense landscape, he saw all manner of terrains, each more painful looking than the last. The ground below was a jagged mass of swirling mist and shadow, broken only by deep chasms and jagged cliffs that threatened to tear them apart.

Over to their far left. Lava bubbled and hissed beneath them, like a taunting welcome, sending waves of heat that threatened to blister their skin even from here. He looked up, trying to see if the tunnel above them had opened.

The sky above was a swirling mass of darkness, with no stars or moon to provide any comfort or guidance. The howling winds tore through the air, carrying with them the echoes of the tormented souls trapped within Tartarus. Now, Annabeth and (Y/N) were among them.

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now