The Return Of The Bob

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Percy's POV

Sprinting through a foreign city with no clue where your destination was or what you were looking for was not Percy's idea of a fun vacation. Even if the weather was pretty good today.

This was a beautiful city with rich culture and amazing architecture. The people were kind and accommodating most of the time, even when you round a corner and accidentally shoulder check them, most of them just acted confused.

With that all being said, Percy wasn't sure he'd ever come back, because for the past ten minutes he had done nothing but curse this city and whoever designed it. Next time he saw Annabeth he'd have to ask her, because Percy seriously had a bone to pick.

This place was like a maze, a well organized, beautiful, friendly, maze. It seemed no matter what direction he ran in, he would always find himself back where he started. The same plaza he left Jason and Leo in.

They were nowhere to be seen, but that wasn't worrying him right now, hopefully that meant that they were having much better luck than he was getting their stuff back. What concerned him was, he hadn't seen Zoe at all.

He was starting to get worried, he hadn't seen sign of her or the monkey thieves anywhere, you'd figure that two dwarves wearing clothing that bright and that many watches would be easy to spot, well, not in this city.

In a perfect world, Percy would have asked the locals if they had seen anything. I mean sure the mist would fool them, but he figured that there had to be a clear sighted mortal among them who would have taken note of two twin hairy acrobat orangutans or a beautiful woman shooting arrows at the shingles.

But all he knew how to say in their language off the top of his head was, 'Where's the bathroom?' 'Can I have some pizza please,' and 'sorry, I'm American.' None of which were all that helpful right now.

Scratch that, as he accidentally walked into another mortal as he scoured the rooves for any hairy men in Rolexes he said for about the tenth time today, "Sorry I'm American." While the woman seemed to accept this answer after what must have been a few curses in his direction, Percy knew he should probably get out of here.

The last thing he needed right now was to be apprehended by the local authorities for disturbing the peace and being a very sorry American who wanted a pizza and had to go to the bathroom.

As he ran, searching for clues about the thieves, he had a lot of time to think. A thousand bad thoughts were running through his mind, ever since (Y/N) and Annabeth fell, Percy hadn't been able to shake them. Recent events hadn't helped things either.

Once again he was unaware that his friends were being attacked and needed his help, once again he had been too slow to stop the monsters that had tied up his friends and could have killed them, so once again Percy felt like a failure.

Ever since he got his memories back, no before that even, he had tried to step up and be the great hero and leader people kept praising him for being, getting named praetor helped that, helped him feel as though he were on the right track, but now he wasn't so sure.

He was one of the eldest in the group, not counting Nico because he was still a kid, even and ancient one, or Zoe because he didn't want to think about how old she was, it hurt his brain.

Anyway, being one of the eldest, he had tried to fill in for Annabeth as a leader, remembering all the help she gave him with the Battle for Manhattan and his experiences in those sort of situations, he thought that he could return the favour, but the chips didn't fall like that.

He was so scared of messing everything up, all the hard work Annabeth had gone to in order to get the seven in...well, order. When she was there, everyone felt like they had a place, had a role, At first, Percy tried to stick to that, giving everyone a roll to play and making sure they stuck to it.

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant