Becoming a Victim of Identity Theft

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Percy's POV

Something was wrong, as Percy looked at his friend, he didn't feel relieved. He couldn't explain it, he pushed it back and smiled at (Y/N), "Good to see you man-" "So, this is the plan huh?" (Y/N) said, eyes scanning the decapitated seagull.

"Yeah, that's all we got." Frank said, "You think we'll make it?" (Y/N) shrugged, "Don't worry Zhang, with me here, you won't have to worry about that." (Y/N) smiled, and a jolt of fear traced up Percy's neck.

(Y/N) must have felt it, because he gave Percy some side eye, "What's up Percy. You okay bud?" Percy grit his teeth, and through a forced smile, asked, "Where have you been?" "Me?" (Y/N) said, "Off somewhere being a nuisance, no big deal. Trying to find Iris and the nymph."

Hazel's brow furrowed, but she didn't comment. Before she could, (Y/N) stood up and rushed to the door. "C'mon, we have a train to catch right?" Percy nodded, "Hold up, let me pay." He said, reaching for his money, only to find none in his pocket.

"What the-" Percy knew he had left the last of his money in his pocket, he was scatterbrained, but not that scatterbrained. "Oh!" (Y/N) said, "Don't worry, I got you covered. I haven't spent anything yet."

Percy frowned slightly, remembering that (Y/N) had in fact given his money to the homeless creatures in Portland, but he didn't act on it just yet, and didn't act surprised when (Y/N) pulled the money out for the food.

After (Y/N) paid, Percy, trying to alert the others, asked, "Aren't you going to tip your server?" (Y/N) chuckled. "No. Why would I...Oh, right, sorry, thinking about so much...with father gone and all." Percy gave a false sympathetic smile, "Of course man. Let's get going."

The station wasn't far. They were just in time to buy tickets for the last train south. As his friends climbed on board, Percy said, "Be with you in a sec," and ran back into the station. He got change from the gift shop and stood in front of the pay phone.

He'd never used a pay phone before. They were strange antiques to him, like his mom's turntable or his teacher Chiron's Frank Sinatra cassette tapes. He wasn't sure how many coins it would take, or if he could even make the call go through, assuming he remembered the number correctly.

Sally Jackson, he thought. That was his mom's name. And he had a stepdad...Paul. What did they think had happened to Percy? Maybe they had already held a memorial service. As near as he could figure, he'd lost seven months of his life.

Sure, most of that had been during the school year, but still...not cool. He picked up the receiver and punched in a New York number—his mom's apartment. Voice mail. Percy should have figured. It would be like, midnight in New York. They wouldn't recognize this number.

Hearing Paul's voice on the recording hit Percy in the gut so hard, he could barely speak at the tone. "Mom," he said. "Hey, I'm alive. Her a put me to sleep for a while, and then she took my memory, and..."

His voice faltered. How he could possibly explain all this? "Anyway, I'm okay. I'm sorry. I'm on a quest—" He winced. He shouldn't have said that. His mom knew all about quests, and now she'd be worried. "I'll make it home. I promise. Love you."

He put down the receiver. He stared at the phone, hoping it would ring back. The train whistle sounded. The conductor shouted, "All aboard." Percy ran. He made it just as they were pulling up the steps, then climbed to the top of the double-decker car and slid into his seat.

Hazel frowned. "You okay?" "Yeah," he croaked. "Just...made a call." She and Frank seemed to get that. They didn't ask for details. "Sad you missed the gift shop (Y/N)?" Percy said, he shrugged, "Nah, you've seen one, you've seen them all. They remind me too much of my mom."

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now