26| I Hated Him

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Past Mark's POV

March 24th, middle school. Orchestra room.

I could hear the sound of instruments being tuned and bows falling to the floor. The day was going pretty well. Surely, it would end well.

"Oi, mate! What you got over there? A violin?" Julian said as he snatched my viola out of my hands.

"It's a viola," I murmured. "At least I get more measures than you. The basses never get any parts, and you deserve that."

"Oh, so you're talking back now?"

Just as I thought things couldn't get any worse, Micheal walked in. He was playing accompaniment for our spring concert. I didn't want him in the room, though. If he was seen with me, I'd definitely be tormented for that. I was an outcast and he was popular. We were closer in elementary school, but I guess we weren't friends anymore. Maybe it was better that way.

The second he walked in, people stopped playing their instruments. I was sitting in the viola section, I was first chair. As Micheal walked towards the piano, our eyes met and I quickly looked away. We weren't friends anymore and that was that.

"Everyone, this is Micheal. I'm sure most of you know him. He played in the talent show a couple of months ago," Mrs. Clarke said as she picked up her baton from her music stand. "Alright, let's get started."

Like always, Emily began the piece with her solo and the rest of the orchestra played in the background. For some reason, we sounded a lot better than we usually did. Did Emily always use that much vibrato?

Even Mrs. Clarke looked shocked. In fact, we actually ended orchestra early because we did so well. Once the second class ended, I ran out of there. I didn't want to see Micheal. I hated his blond hair and his stupid pretty face. I hated how his eyes were as grey as stupid rocks. But at the same time, I loved him. I'd loved him since elementary school. What was that feeling in my chest? Unrequited love? I guess so. I hated that feeling, though. I hated the dirt that we used to throw at each other and the smell of kiwis. Why couldn't I just move on from him? I was going to, eventually. I had to.

"Mark! Wait up!" I heard someone exclaim as they ran up to me. They sounded out of breath, so I stopped and turned around to see Micheal panting as he put his hands on his knees. "Wow, you're a fast walker."

"Why are you even talking to me?" I asked, confused as to why he had approached me.

"What? You're my friend, that's why!"

"Your friend?" I laughed. "Yeah, I don't think friends stop talking to each other. I get it, you're popular and attractive. Everybody likes you."

"You think I'm attractive?"

I swung my head around and covered my face. I was blushing, I just knew it. I was always slipping. Why was I so clumsy with my words? "I mean, you're okay looking."

"I think you're attractive too." He smiled as he took my hand. Through my fingers, I could see him looking at me and that made my heart race even more.

"Just leave me alone, Micheal. You ditched me."

"I never meant to 'ditch you!' Why would you think that?"

"You started going on all these fancy trips to play piano and you're always hanging out with people like Elodie and whoever."

"I couldn't care less about them. I want to hang out with you, Mark."

"Well, you should've said that before you started ignoring my texts and just me in general," I said as I yanked my hand away from him. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to feel his warm hands and roll in the dirt with him like we used to. But, that wasn't going to happen anymore. I didn't care that he was running after me while exclaiming, "Wait, let me explain!" I was done with him, sort of. He still lived in my mind.

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