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Story setting: The United Kingdom 

Hannah Dubois 

Ethnicity: French and 25% Japanese 

Hair: Curtain bangs, wavy, blonde 

Height: 5'6

Eyes: Grey 

Micheal Dubois 

Ethnicity: French and 25% Japanese 

Hair: Wavy blond hair

Height: 5'7 

Eyes: Grey 

Mark Cruz 

Ethnicity: Hispanic 

Hair: Wavy brunette hair 

Height: 5'7 

Eyes: Brown 

Vanessa Walsh 

Ethnicity: Irish and somewhat Italian 

Hair: Arched bangs, wavy redhead 

Height: 5'6

Eyes: Blue 

Charlotte Lee 

Ethnicity: Half korean and half  white 

Hair: Always wears her hair in two buns. She's albino so her hair is white. 

Height: 5'6 

Eyes: Appears reddish but blue eyes. 

Evelyn Stone 

Ethnicity: British 

Hair: Arched bangs and wavy brunette hair 

Height: 5'6 

Eyes: Green eyes 

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