15| Whole Rest

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Present Marc's POV 

"Hannah, why do you always come to my dorm at the worst hours? It's three in the morning."

"I was rereading my brother's diary and I know that you have something that I want."

"And what's that something?"

"A piece of sheet music."

I raised an eyebrow, "A piece of sheet music? From who?"

"I mean, who else? My brother's original composition, you have it. When he composed it, he gave you the original one."

"Yeah, okay. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Did you throw it out? Come on, please tell me you didn't."

"I probably did."

"That's a lie. You would never throw away something so precious."

I rolled my eyes, "Zach is sleeping so don't make any noise." Carefully, she walked inside the room. I rummaged through a bag and pulled out a sheet of paper. Before giving it to her, I looked at it, recalling memories from the past.

"Are you going to give it to me or just stare at it?"

"Oh, right. Here, take it."

She skimmed through the sheet music and her eyes shot up at me, "What the hell—?! Why is it the same pattern of notes in every measure!?"

"You don't play an instrument, do you?"

"Well, I can kind of read sheet music. I've just never seen these notes before."

"It's 'b' flat, 'c' natural,'d' flat, and 'e' flat."

"There's only four because the key signature says so, right?"

"That's right."

"Well, I now have reason to believe that my brother had depression issues or something. Isn't that like part of a minor scale or something?"

"I mean, can you blame him? He spent his whole life trying to be the perfect golden child. He was number one at our school, he was a child prodigy. He was 'perfect' on the outside."

"Marc, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Well, that depends. What are you thinking?"

"There isn't a murderer, it was—"

"He had his moments but I know he didn't."

"It was just a thought. No need to get passive aggressive."

"I wasn't. I'm just saying, he was sane and you know that."

"He was sane and you know that," she said, mimicking me.

My heart stopped for a second. She was doing what Micheal used to do. He always used to mimic me. Hannah was acting like Micheal.

"Don't do that, Hannah. Just don't."

"Why, I don't see what's wrong with it."

"Well, it's rude."

"No, it's more than that, isn't it? What's on your mind, Marc? Thinking about someone?"

"Shut the hell up. You think you're so special, don't you? You think that I'll just give you the answer to everything because you want me to."

"I mean, you could give me answers but, you don't want to. And why is that, Marc?"

"Why does your whole family always want to pick a fight?"

"Are you saying that you used to fight with my brother?"

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