18| Later Skater

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Present Hannah's POV 

"I am so sorry that you had to wait such a long time, Hannah! My schedule was so busy, but I'm so glad that I was able to make time to see you today!" Katherine exclaimed.

She was holding both of my hands while I was trying my best not to fall. Apparently, Katherine wouldn't be my skating coach, but she managed to book a session with me on a Sunday.

"That's completely fine, Katherine. Honestly, I almost forgot about this whole skating thing," I lied. It was on my mind almost every day. I needed to know more about my brother's connections in order to find out who murdered him. Maybe, Katherine did it. But, what about the brooch? I put my thoughts aside, I was here to skate and I was going to do just that. Except, I was also trying to solve a murder case simultaneously.

"By any chance, do you know Micheal Dubois? You two look very similar," she stated.

"He's my brother. Well, deceased brother, but still. We were twins." I hated using the past tense when talking about him.

Her eyes widened, "Oh my gosh. You were his sister? Him and I used to work together!"

"Oh, really? I never knew!" I lied.

"I remember him mentioning you. Though, I never got to see you!"

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

"I am seventeen. Why?"

"So a year older than I am. Just curious."

She taught me how to do something called hockey kicks, a simple skating move that would get me moving on the ice. When I was able to get the hang of that, she taught me swizzles. When I wasn't struggling to keep my head up, I imagined my brother being there, helping the struggling adults and picking up the screaming toddlers to get them off the ice. I never knew if he genuinely liked his job or just did it for the money. Well, it's not like my brother struggled with money since he made a bunch of it from piano. He probably liked his job then.

"You are a very fast learner, Hannah!"

"Thank you, Katherine!"

I had gone on the ice before when I was younger, but forgot how to do everything. My brother had taught me how to skate since he had become decent at it by watching other people skate. However, back then our relationship wasn't too stable because of the whole piano thing.

"Great, now let's go backwards!"

Before I could say anything, she took my hands. She taught me how to swizzle backwards and it was incredibly difficult. But, since she was holding both of my hands, I felt secure. So, I just kept skating backwards.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it," I began, "I think you can let go now." She let go and I almost fell, but she caught me before I could. After that, Katherine was awfully quiet. "Is something writing, Katherine?"

"The way you fell was awfully similar to the way your brother fell the last time I saw him. I guess it just brought back a memory."

Suddenly, I felt bad for Katherine. Her and my brother were probably friends, she probably missed him.

"Sorry, Katherine."

"I'm alright, but what does deceased mean? You said it earlier."


"Micheal's dead?!" She exclaimed, "I thought it was just a rumour?!"

"No, he's been dead for about a year now."

"How did he die?"

"He was murdered. Well, allegedly but I'm pretty sure he was."

"Did they find the murder?"

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