5| Katherine Alyk

53 26 17

Present Hannah's POV

"Are you sure this is the place, Mark?"

"Don't make me regret helping you."

Somehow, I was able to persuade Mark into helping me. I didn't even manipulate him into doing it. I guess he just had a sudden change of heart.

"Her name is Katherine Alyk, a Ukrainian figure skater that's our age," I mumbled.

"I've seen her on television before. She has brown hair and blue eyes. Hannah, I recommend you don't tell her about your brother right now. Befriend her first and wait a little bit."

"What, why? That's the whole reason I'm here!"

"Think about it. What if she doesn't want to help you now but after becoming closer she does?"

I sighed, "Maybe but let's just get this done with."

I put on some rental skates and got onto the ice rink. My brother used to work at that ice rink. He would help little kids make it across the rink, he was a great teacher. The little kids would be able to skate in less than ten minutes. The reason I was looking for Katherine was because she and my brother apparently worked a ton of shifts together. The letter said that she was looking forward to their next shift together and that he was pleasant to work with.

"Katherine!" I quietly yelped.

She was still jumping off the ice as I attempted to skate towards her. Soon, I realised that this wasn't going to work. I had to find a way to get her to notice me. Without even trying, I fell really comically. Even though I could've just got up, I stayed on the ground, hoping that Katherine would notice me.

"Are you okay?" She exclaimed as she skated towards me, "Do you need me to call someone for help?"

"No, I'm fine. Are you Katherine Alyk by any chance?"

"Yeah, why?"

Quickly, I thought of a lie, "I need a skating coach and my friend recommended you."

"Oh, Who is your friend?"

She had a light accent and looked like she came straight out of a fairytale. I was debating whether or not I should've said that my brother recommended her or just some random name.

"The person at the front desk told you you're a great skater. I was hoping you could coach me?"

Hesitantly, she said, "How much do you know?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Usually people start skating around ages three to four but I guess I can teach you the basics. You won't be able to get really good though, that's just the sad reality of skating."

"I'm up for it!"

And just like that, I was on my way to becoming a figure skater. I never planned to become one but, I guess there's a first time for everything. My brother didn't know how to figure skate, he just knew the basics. He asked our parents at some point if he could figure skate but they said that it would distract him from playing the piano.

"These are the days and time slots I'm available," she said as she wrote some things down on a notepad, "I'm usually always in the same spot."

"Thanks!" I said as I took the piece of paper that she had ripped out from her notepad, "I look forward to our lessons."

"Do you need help getting off the ice?"

"Yes, please."

I held on tightly to both of her hands and she helped me get off of the ice. After I thanked her, I went to find Mark.

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