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Inez POV

I just got back from my morning run and I know it was time to take a shower and head down to the training grounds.I wasn't the best when it came down to being a fighter but when it came to strategy and planning I was the best . I had ran into the big horizon where the members of my coven were . It was the usual quiet and messy . There were cups and dishes all about , shoes here and there plus blood in cups . " just wait until Layla sees this" I muttered under my breath ,it was then I heard a shuffle and I used my inhuman abilities to run up the stairs and in my room slamming the door shut.

" good morning" I heard my best friend says half awake which cause me to nearly jump out my skin " where the hell did you go" she starts again " for a run" i say removing my top and throwing it to the bed " we have to be down for the prince arrival" she says with a sigh " I know woman" and with that I head into the shower . I did the usual brush my teeth took a cold shower and washed my hair. When I came out I was practically dry so I just head out. Right on que Lilly stepped pass me heading to it but not before slapping my ass . "Liliana Gabriel thorn grab my ass one more time and it's the last use you'll get off them" I say in a stern voice but she only giggled

I then went to my walk in closet and got a grey jaggers , black thump push top which I paired with a white sneaker. My hair was light orange and very curly so I just add some coconut oil to it and ran the comb a few times . Lilly had came out the bathroom and was eyeing me . " can you not wear something more appealing to meet the prince" she scoffed " what's wrong with my outfit" I asked looking down " Inez you look like you are married with 3 kids , wear something sexy" she muttered " its comfortable" I input " if you say so Inez, if you say so" she replies

When I had turn around shock was underrated I was frightened to the core. Lilly was wearing a black shorts and red top leaving nothing for the imagination. " what the actual hell is that Lilly" I asked pointing at her " what" she replied innocently " it's an escort not a banging session" I replied " I know you are not interested in finding a mate but there are only 3 unmates vamps in this coven . You , me and gabby" she starts " Lilly I never told you I never wanted a mate I just think I don't have one" I say sagging my shoulders " every vampire has a ma-  "Lilly !! , Inez!! , the others are waiting on you and so is the master" leyla says knocking slightly on the door . " let's go" i say heading towards the door with Lilly right behind me

When we had reached down the stairs both women and men warriors gathered. Amara and I took our usual spots and waited for the master's instructions while everyone turned away and treated me as usual (like an infection). But hey I was used to it by now it has been like this since my mothers death. " I know you guys are aware my son is returning from his training  today for his initiation ceremony , so I have a few announcements .  Lilly , Inez and kimmy you will be picking up prince Marcus . " master jack says and we quickly head off . I stayed in the back while Kimmy told Lilly how sexy she was, the thing with Lilly is she was quite the attention grabber.

I quickly got into the back seat of the suv while they went on as if I weren't even there. They were going on and on about how Kim and Lucas  did it but I had no interest . It took us almost an hour an a lot of yapping to reach our destination. As the car came to a sudden stop , I quickly jumped out the backseat and headed for the station where I know I would see him.   I took this opportunity to reach out to my wolf  since she had been silent all morning. " what's up Kenna" i asked her  " nothing much Inez am just keeping a low profile" she replied and I was cut off again when I saw Marcus. " prince Marcus" I say walking towards him . When he turned around I saw the most beautiful man. he had light brown eyes compared to my light blue ones , dark brown hair, the perfect jaw line and another thing I noticed was the stern look he had on his face .

Something about him was lowering me to him , it's  like I couldn't breathe not to mention he smells like amber wood and roses " he's delicious" I heard Kenna say in excitement " I though there would be men " he says rolling his eyes which pulled me back to reality " sorry about that then" I replied in a annoyed voice while  two men swept in picking up his two suitcases. He walked behind me and  in minutes we were back at the car. " prince Marcus" I heard lilly says in flirtous voice so I rolled my eyes " should we go" I say getting clearly annoyed when kim had heard my voice she took a step back . Marcus wasted no time though he head directly into one side while I head to the other and the others took their respective places. I then heard the engine start and we head off  . I had gotten out my AirPods and blasted music to not concentrate on anything else.

We were pulling up in the drive way of the coven as I speak and I thank heavens. Our pain in the ass of a prince was fast asleep as Kim begun to park. In that very moment I look at Marcus , how beautifully he slept , how his hair covered his face and everything about his lovely carved body . I then reached over to touch him and that's when a tingle run up my arm and a heat envelopes in the pit of my stomach causing me to pull back in a rush . It was too late though cause he also jumped out his sleep. " what the hell did you do" he asked with his voice laced with anger " am sorry" I replied opening the door then slamming it shut and walked away.....

Everyone stepped back as I entered and I could feel the prince gaze burning into my back but I needed to get away so  I ran to my room and sat on the floor . " what was that Kenna" I asked now worried" am not sure Inez but it sort of feels like a mate thing" she replied " but you would have known instantly if he was" I replied "remember ........ the masters and their bloodline cannot feel the love of a mate until their initiation ceremony" she reminds me and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding

Time had flew by and by now  It was time for the prince ceremony.  I have just gotten out the shower and dried off . I had choose to wear a purple silk dress with a split at the side and paired it with a silver heels .I had gotten my hair brushed down to the side and placed my diamond earrings in my ears . I took up my little black purse and head downstairs. ( isn't it lovely ) I heard from the door as I head closer and closer to the room. The room was beautifully decorated as couples slow dance . " Inez" I heard a voice called out to me . " master jack" i replied bowing my head in respect " how is your night child" he asked in the sweatiest voice " the usual" I replied with a shrug and I could see people staring or talking.

Some said " what is she doing here" while others say "she doesn't belong here" and I wondered why was I here . don't let them get to you people always talk weather it's good or bad" master jack says and  that's when I suddenly felt a presence ...... his presence , one I could tell anywhere. " what are they so afraid of" prince Marcus asked " I think am gonna go" Inez replied and without another word she was off. " i see you have gotten chatty with the soon to be master" I heard Lilly called from behind me which made me jump " chatty no , annoyed yes " I replied above the music " I thought you'd lock up in the room like you do every Dang time" she says rolling her eyes and taking a seat " I didn't have a choice in the matter or I wouldn't be here , no vampires left behind right" I told her earning a giggle.

A ( ding , ding , ding) pulled our attention to the stage were our master stood with our soon to be crowned leader. " alright everyone it's that time of the night and you know the procedure .... You slit your rist and give two drops of blood to the immortal cup" he says

Guys I know this chapter seem a little boring but please stay tune

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