Chapter 1

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*Note: Hey guys I'm Mina and this is the first time uploading one of my stories so if it's bad i'm sorry but i hope you enjoy it!*

Chapter One

I was blankly starring at the wall just thinking about how today might go, then I heard my mom call me downstairs. "Eva breakfast!" "Coming!" I yelled back grabbing my backpack for school. "Honey, are you okay?" My mom asked. I looked at her with a smile and a small giggle, "Yea mom why wouldn't I be! I'll see you after school." I walked out the door with a bagel in my hand, eating it on my way to the place I like to call hell. I live in California where days are always sunny and bright. I moved here from Virginia after Sophomore year (I'm now a Junior) due to my ex-boyfriend making some poor choices.

"Hey Eva!" That's my friend Adam we have some history together, we dated then broke up then dated some more then broke up again but after all of that we decided to stay friends. Elena says he still has feelings for me but I could care less. He was a complete ass to me. "Hey Adam." I slightly waved at him. He was running up to me from the other side of the street. "How was your weekend?" He asked hugging me. "It was pretty good how about yours?" "Eva what's the matter?" Nothing was wrong with me I'm seriously like this all the time. "Nothing I swear." We continued to walk to school with a small silence, with only a small tune coming from Adams earphones I think he was listening to Justin Bieber. I threw out a small giggle, "what are you listening to?" I look at him with a smile holding back my laugh. "What? I'm listening to Justin Bieber, duh." He misprounced his last name he kind of said it like Bye-Ber. "If you really liked him you would've been able to pronounce his name right." I gave Adam a small smirk. Coming up to the front doors of hell a.k.a school, I saw my close friend Elena. "Elena!" Elena was the first friend I made coming to the school. She showed me around and everything. We turned out to be in the same homeroom and from then on we started as good friends and before you know it we were best friends. "How are you doing!" She asked. She grabbed my face and looked me in the eyes, "are you okay? Be honest with me?" I couldn't be serious at all in that moment. I grabbed her hands and took them off my face. I looked at her deep in her eyes and said, "Yes Elena I am oh k." I smiled. "You're still hanging out with Adam? After all that's happen between you guys!" "Elena haha we are just friends I promise." The bell rang and a herd of students walked into the front doors of "hell." "I have to go to class but I'll see you at lunch!" She said.

As the teacher called names you heard 'here' and 'present' from each side of the classroom. "Eva?" "Hey." 'Here' and 'Present' are so overrated. "I'm sorry I didn't hear that?" the teacher said with a large amount of sarcasm with a dash of anger in his voice. "I said hey signifying I am present in this classroom." I put a little sass in my respond risking the consequences' I might receive from the one person who controls me and other students for eight hours of the day. I heard small giggles and "ooh's" from around the classroom. "Eva." Mr. Rivers said. Now Mr. Rivers was pretty hot I might say so myself. He had hazel eyes and light brown hair with some muscle he was very toned in the booty section of his body. His face was so nice, with his chiseled jaw line and his nice shaped black eyebrows. Ugh he is so eye heart emoji! "Yes Mr. Rivers." I said smiling. "Go to the office." He pointed to the door and I still heard students go "ooh" and laugh. I opened my mouth in shock. My favorite teacher is telling me to go the office? What the shit? I thought we had something special. "What! Why?" He gave me that look, the "if you don't listen to me I swear I will choke you but mentally because if I did would go to jail and I can't afford that" look, I wouldn't mind being choke by him, his hands look pretty soft. "Okay okay I'm going." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my black bag which carried all the things a girl like me should carry like, lipstick, extra jewelry, and some lady things incase lady things happen. I walked out of the classroom flipping everyone off. "Eva! Go!" Mr. Rivers yelled. I ran down the hall way laughing then, I got stopped, by the principle, "Well well, hello Eva." Mrs. Harley said. "Hi Mrs. Harley, how are you today?" I asked smiling. "I'm very good. Let's take walk." She grabbed me by the arm, "Mmm, no I'm okay. Thanks for the offer though!" I tried to get out of her grip but she would just grab me tighter and tighter. "Mrs. Harley if you grab my arm any tighter my arm will fall off haha." I said through my smile and small laugh. I tried to take her hand off of me. "So Eva, how are you feeling lately?" Mrs. Harley asking how I'm feeling? Me? Well someone defiantly drugged her coffee this morning. I get in trouble too often for her to actually care about how I feel. "Why?" I asked. "I'm just wondering..." We continued to walk out the back doors to the lunch court. "I heard you weren't feeling good." She said as we took a seat. "What do you mean?" Why was everyone asking me if I was okay? I'm perfectly fine. "You haven't been acting like yourself." I got up and let out a small laugh, "Mrs. Harley I'm sorry but I've always been like this!" "No I mean you look sad, you look like a black and white movie... Are you okay?" A black and white movie? What the hell does that mean? Should I be offended? "Mrs. Harley, seriously I'm okay." She got up and grabbed my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes, "If you are having problems with family back at home or being bullied it's okay. You can always go to your counselor." What the hell does she mean? Do I look like a pale, like a glittery vampire? "Mrs. Harley I am fine. Can I please go back to class?" I removed her hands from my shoulders. "Yes." She said aggressively pulling me into a hug.

I walked back into Mr. Rivers classroom, "did you miss me?" I said smiling and taking a seat in the first desk in the front right by the door I came from. "Miss Donte I need to see you after class." That's something I have waited to hear all this year from him maybe have a little moment together. Just kidding that won't happen I'm like 5 but you can't blame me from dreaming! "Why?" I asked with a smirk. "I have to ask you a few questions." "Mmm... That's not a problem at all alright I'll see you after class." I blocked out the fact that Mr. Rivers continued his teaching. Why were they asking how I was feeling? That's a good way to start your day right? Being constantly asked if you were okay. I like my bubble I don't want others to get in my bubble so back up off my bubble. I've been feeling pretty good I guess? I mean not the best but not the worst? I don't know... I believe I'm fine but I don't think others are convinced I am okay obviously. I heard the bell ring which woke me up from my "day dream" "Yes Mr. Rivers?" I didn't move from my seat, knowing I'm staying in here for more than a few minutes. "Let me guess you're going to ask how I'm doing right?" He lowered his head and then looked up at me with those deep light brown eyes, "How are you feeling lately?" I rolled my eyes, "Mr. Rivers I have better things to do in life than being asked how I have been feeling all day." "Eva you're new here and we just aren't sure if you are comfortable with everyone and the environment." "Mr. Rivers I'm fine. If I am sad it definitely won't because of the school. I love it here! I have to leave because there are better things calling my name." I slowly walked out of the room and saw Elena standing right there. "What did he talk to you about?" Elena asked. "The typical stuff that, "how are you feeling?" shit." I said starting to head out of the front doors of hell. "Hey where are you going? You still have two more classes!" "Elena," I grabbed her face squeezing her cheeks together, "there are times where you want to be alone and there will be times where you just want to punch everyone in the face. Today, I want to be left alone and punch people in the face but to control my anger and how annoyed I am. I'm going to get real food and anyways I need to catch up with... an old friend of mine." I smiled. "Where are you going?" I let go of her cheeks so I could understand her better. I walked away from her heading off of campus "oh, that's the bell! Get to class Elena!" I said pointing my finger up in the air.

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