Chapter 4: Sora's First Encounter with a Dungeon (2)

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[Pt. 2 - Against the Scorching Serpent]

At the top of the staircase lies a spacious chamber featuring four orangey-red-hued pillars arranged in a square formation at the centre. The floor is reflective and looks like it has a lava-related magic circle design in the middle.

Another two paths, which are closed off by more barriers, lie ahead of where we came in and to the left. Though the left one seems to be walled off this time.

As Sage crosses through the threshold to this imposing room, the arched gate we used to get in slams shut once more.

The torches on the walls light up the room, causing shadows to dance around the pillars. The air smells like sulphur, making the room feel even more unsettling.

I glance around and spot intriguing carvings on the walls showing battles and ceremonies. The sound of bubbling lava echoes in the chamber, creating an eerie ambience that sends shivers down my spine.

"What is this place...?" I ask.

Alden and Teris turn to me, along with the rest of the group.

"This place... is where things start to get harder, especially for you."

Oh. So things do get worse. That's a bit unsettling for me.

Violet's playful visage doesn't change as she runs around the room like a child in a playground, seemingly unfazed by the ominous surroundings.

"This place is so huuuuge!"

As she twirls around, her laughter fills the chamber, providing a severe contrast to the tension in the air.

"Why hasn't anything happened yet?"

"Something has to be activated... And I assume Violet is going to be the one to do it."

We all turn to Violet, who's looking down on a glowing inscription on the floor, with a curious expression on her face.

"Guys, I just stepped on this weird inscription; what do you think it means?" Violet asks, her voice echoing in the chamber.

Suddenly, a low, rumbling noise fills the chamber, causing the walls to shake. The inscription beneath Violet's feet starts glowing even brighter in response to her 'unintentional' activation.

The barrier blocking the path ahead of us is starting to fade away, revealing perpetual darkness.

"Oh? Did I start the battle~?" Her voice echoes with a suggestive tone as she teases with a mischievous grin, clearly enjoying the chaos she's caused.

"Violet... You're likely to get Sora killed at this rate..." Elysia warns, her eyes narrowing in concern as she looks at Violet.

"Everyone get as far away from the gate as possible!"

Why am I hearing boss music all of a sudden?

The ground trembles beneath our feet, and like a train barrelling down the tracks, a massive serpent-like creature emerges from the darkness. Its snake-eyes lock onto us with a hunger that sends shivers down my spine.

Save for the bulges of lava leaking from its pores, it's made of igneous rock, firey scales that are a deep shade of orange, and molten magma

"What in the world is that!?" I yell, my heart pounding in my chest as I realise the danger we are facing.

I hear Elysia's voice cutting through the chaos.

"It's a scorching serpent, the first boss of this dungeon."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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