Chapter 3: Sora Explores the Village (2)

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[Pt. 2 - Welcome to the Guild]

Pushing open the heavy wooden door of the guild hall, I'm greeted by a loud creak, almost as if the door is saying hello to me.

The scent of polished wood and ink wafts through the air, mingling with the sound of fervent discussion and the clinking of metal.

"Whoa... this place is... kinda intense."

I whisper quietly, trying to hide my nervousness with a feeble joke, aiming to ease the tense vibe.

But the truth is, I stick out like a sore thumb among these seasoned adventurers, pretending like I belong here.

Looking around, I can't help but admire the intricate details of the weapons, the beautiful designs on the armour, and the intense focus on studying the maps. Everyone looks so prepared for whatever comes next.

I take a moment to size up the crowd, my eyes darting from one adventurer to the next. There's a level fifty over there, a level twenty-four across the room, and wow, someone at level eighty-nine with 879,350 HP. These guys are no joke.

And then there's me, barely scratching the surface of this whole adventuring thing.

"Excuse me." I mumble softly, approaching a group of guild members huddled around a table strewn with maps and swords. "Uhm... could someone point me in the direction of... well, anything really? I'm kinda new here."

A formidable dwarf with a weathered face, his bushy eyebrows furrowed with curiosity, looks up from his map and grunts at you, exuding an aura of battle-hardened experience. He looks like he's been through his fair share of battles, and I can't help but feel a little intimidated.

But to my surprise, he gives me a warm smile and gestures for me to come closer.

"Don't worry, lad. We've all been there. Head over to the receptionist; she'll help you out."

He points a thick finger in the direction of a desk across the spacious room.

"But watch out, she's got a bit of a flirty side."

Thankful, I head to the guild's reception desk, following the dwarf's directions. Approaching closer, I can't help but be captivated by the receptionist—an enchanting elf with a graceful figure, long golden hair flowing past the desk, and eyes as green as emeralds. She greets me with a warm smile; her gaze lingers on me, tracing a slow path from my face, down to my feet, and then back up again, each movement deliberate and tantaliing. With every upward sweep, her eyes seem to drink in every detail, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.

"Um, hey. I was told to come here... for directions. I'm kinda new."

I stutter aloud, feeling a heat rise up my neck as I meet the receptionist's eyes. I feel embarrassed for coming off as a total rookie, which I am.

The elf receptionist's smile widens, and a seductive glint dances in her emerald eyes as she leans forward, subtly resting her chin on her delicate hand.

"Well, well, aren't you just the adorable newcomer?" She purrs, her voice a velvety caress like honey. "You're in luck. I can help you with anything you need."

Her words give me a chill, and a mix of thrill and caution rushes through me.

She's gorgeous, no doubt about it, but there's something about her that sets off alarm bells in the back of my mind. Maybe it's the way she's looking at me, like I'm some kind of... prey.

I know this feeling well—a painful reminder of past mistreatment by those who thought themselves better than me. Not as though they weren't.

"So, uh, any tips on where to start?"

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