Prologue: Sora Is Set Free

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[Pt. 1 - School Life]

Autumn arrives with a gentle whisper, painting the world in warm hues of amber and gold. The leaves crunch beneath my feet, forming a melodic symphony of nature's transition from summer's warmth to winter's embrace.

My footsteps echo softly against the concrete pavement. This rhythmic cadence mirrors the beating of my heart, softly overshadowed by the laughter and chatter of students that supply the lively air.

As I make my way through the school grounds, I take in the sight of the school building, a sprawling structure of modern design nestled amidst the vibrant foliage. Its sleek lines and glass façade reflect the changing colours of the autumn landscape, blending seamlessly with the natural beauty surrounding it.

From the cherry blossom trees that bloom in the spring to the serene courtyard where students gather during lunch breaks, every corner of the school holds a story waiting to be told.

As I step through the threshold, the familiar scent of polished wood envelops me;

the walls are adorned with colourful posters and artwork. Bulletin boards display announcements for upcoming events and extracurricular activities, inviting students to participate and engage with the school community.

I stroll down the hallway, its expanse stretching endlessly, adorned with a gallery of knowledge and exploration, each painting a window into the vast world of learning.

As I navigate through the sea of faces, I can't shake the feeling of eyes boring into my back, a silent judgment that hangs in the air like a heavy cloud.

With a sigh, I quicken my pace, hoping to escape the suffocating weight of their stares. But before I can take another step, my foot catches on something—a sneaker, perhaps, or a stray backpack—sending me stumbling forward with a startled cry.

I crash to the ground with a sickening thud, the impact jarring every bone in my body. Pain flares to life in my knees and palms as I sprawl amidst a chorus of laughter, the mocking sound echoing in my ears like a taunt.

My cheeks burn with humiliation as I push myself up, trying to ignore the smirks and snickers that follow me like a shadow.

Ignoring the burning ache in my knees, I brush off any dust lying there as best I can, trying to salvage what little dignity I have left. But the whispers and jeers continue, a relentless assault on my already fragile confidence.

"Look at him; can't even walk straight."

"What a loser."

I clench my fists, willing myself to block out their cruel words. But try as I might, the pain of their mockery cuts deep, leaving behind wounds that refuse to heal.

As I trudge through the crowded hallway towards my homeroom, the weight of my own thoughts threatens to crush me beneath their suffocating embrace.

Memories of past humiliations flood my mind, each one a jagged shard of pain that pierces my consciousness with searing clarity. The taunts and jeers of my classmates echo in my ears like a relentless drumbeat, a constant reminder of my status as an outcast.

I've lost count of the countless times I've been bullied and ostracised, each incident etched into my memory like a scar on my soul.

It's as if I wear my pain like a badge of honour, a testament to the cruelty of those around me.

Despite my best efforts to blend into the background, I always feel like a target, a punching bag for the pent-up aggression of my classmates.

Each day is a struggle to maintain my composure, to keep the tears at bay, and to keep the facade of indifference firmly in place. I plaster a fake smile on my face and pretend like their words don't hurt, but inside, I'm crumbling, piece by fragile piece.

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