Chapter 3: Sora Explores the Village

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[Pt. 1 - The Exchange Market]

"It's time to wake up, you know?"

My eyes slowly open as a soft, female voice pulls me out of my dream. I rub my eyes and try to focus on the figure standing before me. It takes a moment for my surroundings to come into view, and a green-haired receptionist looms over me.


"You've been asleep for a while now, probably over seventeen hours."

I groan and stretch my limbs, feeling the stiffness in my muscles from sleeping in such an awkward position. The receptionist hands me a cup of a strange yellow liquid, but the aroma instantly wakes up my senses.


I mumble, taking a sip and feeling the stimulants jolt me back to reality.

"What is this... drink?"

"It's a magical potion that jolts you awake, or, as I affectionately refer to it, wake-up juice."

She giggles delicately as I nod in appreciation, finishing the strange drink quickly without any further thoughts, and feeling more alert and energised. As I sit up straighter on the bed, I take a moment to gather my thoughts and remember why I came to this place in the first place.

I look out the window, expecting to see the sun, but instead, only the dark sky remains with its celestial canvas of stars. The stars twinkle brightly, their light flickering in the vast expanse of the night sky.

"Is it always night here...?"

"What a strange question. It's always night in regions like these."

The receptionist responds with a warm smile and a gentle, soothing tone in her voice.

"Why not head down to the lobby? We have an amazing selection of food options just waiting for you to dig in."

I nod in response, grateful for the suggestion.

...Seventeen hours? That's gotta be some kind of record for me.

As I make my way to the lobby, the green-haired receptionist's words about it always being night here echo in my mind. Weird, but I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

I step into the lobby, greeted by the comforting aroma of freshly prepared food wafting through the air.

Surprisingly, the lobby seems quite empty, or maybe it's because I woke up at a busy time. I can't really be sure.

I plop down at an empty table, taking in the sight of the sparse room.

"Guess I'm not the only one up at this ungodly hour..."

I remark to no one in particular, my voice echoing slightly in the quiet space.

"Morning, love. What can I get ya?"

A cheerful voice chirps from behind me. I turn to see a small, winged faery hovering near my table, a mischievous glint in its eyes.

Startled by the unexpected presence, I find myself blinking in surprise at the creature standing right in front of me.

"Uh, whatever you have, I guess?"

The faery nods enthusiastically, fluttering off to fetch whatever she can.

"I guess I'll be staying here... for god knows how long." I mutter to myself, the words escaping with a sigh.

The faery returns with the food, setting down a steaming plate of food before me with a flourish. If I've learned anything from yesterday, it's that taste and appearance don't always go hand in hand.

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