Chapter 17

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Justina POV

I am feeling dizzy...I am in my bed now...As I tried to get up...but  Strong arm is holding me...
Justina - what is it??

Then I saw Kevin.... sleeping with me !!

Justina - Aaaaaaaaaaa ( shouting)
Kevin - why are you shouting?? ( Sleepy)
Justina - we are sleeping together??
Kevin - good morning!! And yes we are sleeping together!!
Justina - how?? I mean why ??
Kevin - remember you were drunk and I ...
Justina - stop stop please!
Kevin - hey nothing happened between us...We just slept...And I am not someone to do things with a drunk girl.
Justina - oh thankyou soo please remove your big arm from my stomach..
Kevin - ok ok.... I am going out now...Don't shout again .

( Justina)
He left ..Ohh!! It's a normal thing for him to sleep with a girl but this is my first time sleeping with a guy...I am a bit shy right now...But I didn't showed him... Because he will definitely make fun of me!!
Let me get ready for the college!!
As I walked out from my room...
I saw my mom....
Justina - mom !! What a surprise!!
Mom - I was missing you...So I am here!!

Suddenly dad appeared...
Dad - yeah mom daughter duo...happy together...
Mom - sir...if you don't mind can I take her my home for 2 days...
Dad - oh ... offcourse....
Justina - I am so happy!! Let's go...

( Justina)
Well I am so happy....I really needed to spent time with mom....
And yes as Kevin is behaving differently nowadays...which makes me confuse.....I should not fall for his charm...Well it's a escape from him... for some time.

I bid goodbye to dad....Now  I am at my home...I skipped college today.... because I just want to be with my mom...

Mom is making pancakes for me!!
I am enjoying the view ....
Mom - so how's Kevin with you??
Justina - he is. ..nice ...
Mom - just nice?
Justina - yeah he is good to me....

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