Chapter 6

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Kevin POV
Dad wants to play tricks on add someone random in the list so  that I will marry someone I Tina or someone ...
But's better to marry someone I don't will less headache....and the girl in front of me looks very young and naive...
It's better to marry her instead of some clever fox ..
And as dad...if he decided so I think I have to obey him and dad relationship is like this only ..I always obeyed him ...he did everything for our good only...but this is Little too much...but if he wants so let's do it ..

Maria - sir ??
James - Maria come with me.... too...

( Inside)
James - look Maria...I know this is tough for you ..but I know you always wants your daughter to be safe and happy...
Maria - yes this age she is not ready!
James - Maria I already knew everything about you ....what people say you are single mother..Many say your daughter is also going to end up like this....And you fight every protect her ..
And I am telling you marrying Kevin she is safe with us...she is the lucky girl to be the part of Sabastian's...
Why can't you see it...she is above 18 ...As for her study I will support.... everything.... whatever you want....all I want best for you and your daughter....
Maria - sir ....I will think about this ... please give me sometime... Justina let's go...

( Kevin)
I saw Maria and her daughter.... going out ...
I went to dad's office....
Kevin - I think Maria don't want her daughter to marry me??
Dad - she will agree....but you tell you came into this decision...
Kevin- as you decided her you will take care of her ..If you want me to decide I can't ....not in this life...I don't do love things or something close to you are happy to make her your daughter in please take the responsibility ok dad!!
Dad - shut up you idiot...
Kevin- ...I am doing according to your wish....
Dad - look son... please be good to her... every girl is different...not every girl is like your mother...
Kevin - dad...the girls I came across all are like my mother.... clever fox ...
So I can't trust girls....
And for Justina....we will see ....

Our Unpredicted Wedding 💍Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora