Author's Note

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Hello, everyone! I haven't been on Wattpad in ages but a lot of developments in my own personal growth and mental health and obsessions with certain fanfics/movies/TV shows/songs/stories in general - including Bullet Train - has finally gotten me over my writer's block.  

I am writing Meredith as a way to be honest about my own flaws and issues as a person, to let out unhealthy feelings and stress that I have learned and am still learning not to push down anymore, to voice my criticisms and opinions in a safe space, and to finally just write something I care about and put it out into the world even if it doesn't live up to unrealistic standards or is the most perfect, greatest thing ever.  

Truth be told, I do not consider myself a fan of Bullet Train.  However, the timeliness of it - being a crazy, goofy, summer action comedy in the midst of the COVID pandemic - and what it brought to people in that time is something I deeply respect (BT fandom y'all are funny as hell and have such good art like wtf?! I can't draw for shit lmao), and it has helped me to assess things about myself more deeply and honestly.  It is a personal trigger due to less than fun recent events which has given me a more complex interpretation of the movie, but I am passionate about in my own way, and I think having a passion for something, even if its messy and turbulent, is something great to work with.  To partially quote another writer in the fandom (I recommend Tangerine and Honeydew on AO3 to any Bullet Train fanfic hopeful), the movie elicits reactions from me, good and bad, and being my analytical neurotic overthinking self, I connected with that and wanted to create something out of that.  I didn't want to make excuses or drag other people into my problems, I want to be more honest and work on them.  Hence Meredith and the OC, whose name and story will be revealed in future chapters.

Wattpad has been recommended to me multiple times and I love seeing a community of writers all together being able to share freely.  I am crossposting Meredith from AO3 (where the full chapter titles are) and hoping to share my own work as well.

The story follows the plot of Bullet Train fairly closely with a few major changes.  For example, some (not all) of the characters who did not canonically survive the movie do here.  

Each chapter (or at least the vast majority) is named after song lyrics which will be explained at the beginning of each chapter.

I will post trigger warnings every chapter but overall you should not read this fic if you think you'll be triggered by any of the following topics:

Anxiety, Breakdowns, Depression, Frequent Intrusive Thoughts, PTSD, Terrorism (spoiler but better safe than sorry: the main traumatic event in this fic is a bombing attack on an elementary school that kills hundreds), Self-Harm, Suicide (spoiler: multiple occurrences)

The earlier chapters aren't gonna be too heavy on this but later in the fic these will be covered graphically.  My OC is traumatized and has major self-esteem issues, and her inner monologue is really angry, angsty, self-hating, and vengeful for most of the fic. She's also self-righteous and has a hero complex.

I hope you enjoy and please, take care of yourselves.  Sending love and luck.  

But don't expect catharsis or fluff, okay?  I'm evil.

Meredith: None But the Lonely HeartWhere stories live. Discover now