21: Game Night [1]

Start from the beginning

"The other night." I replied casually.

"The other night you were out here looking for the first half of the body."

"Yes." I shrugged again.

"The night you told me you were alone and Scott was at home."

"Yes." I nodded before my eyes widened in realization. "No. Oh crap."

"So you lied to me." He summarized, not showing much anger or disappointment, clearly used to my antics.

"That depends on how you define lying." I quickly retorted, trying to come up with a clever response.

"Well, I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it?"

I paused for a moment before throwing out an answer. "Mm, reclining your body in a horizontal position?"

He shook his head, giving up in defeat. "Get the hell out of here."

"Absolutely." I replied, already walking away before he finished speaking.


"I can't find anything about Wolfsbane being used for burial." Scott announced, scrolling through his phone. I scoffed as I drove through the forest.

"Just keep looking." Tara replied from the back. "It could be a skill rather than a ritual, something you have to learn."

"I'll put it on my to-do list." Scott muttered, pocketing his phone and sighing as he leaned back in his seat. "Right underneath figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tomorrow night."

"What's wrong, Stiles?" Tara asked, noticing my silence since we left.

"What did he say?" Scott chimed in. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, debating whether to answer or let the silence linger before deciding to break it.

"Nothing." I shrugged. "I asked him why I wasn't shifting, but he played dumb, so that was a waste."

"Anything about why he killed his sister?" Scott asked again.

I shook my head, lips pursed.

"Speaking of which." Tara interjected, "What's the difference in symptoms between the two of you? If we can find the distinguishing factor, maybe we can figure out what's happening with Stiles."

"Ah." Scott and I glanced at each other before nodding. "Sure."

I'd gone through this exercise countless times in my mind, but maybe having someone else analyze it would yield different results. Tara might notice something I'd overlooked.

"First." I began, retracing my steps to day one, "The scars healed overnight. Bite marks just disappeared."

"Uh-huh." Tara nodded, jotting notes as I spoke.

"Then I had these intrusive thoughts followed by sudden rage outbursts." I continued, emphasizing the words.

"Thoughts like what?" Tara asked.

"Like." I sighed in frustration before answering, "Ramming Jackson's car and strangling Lydia."

"Could have followed them through?" Tara mumbled, her words barely audible, but my sharp hearing caught them.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow, unsure if I heard her correctly.

"Nothing. Continue." She shrugged, motioning for me to go on.

"He said he blacked out on the field once." Scott added.

"Hmm, did you feel anything odd when that happened?" Tara inquired.

"I don't know, it just felt like an extended blink from my perspective, but..." I trailed off, trying to recall the incident.

"But what?" Tara pressed.

"I think I heard a few words in a language I wasn't familiar with."

"Can you remember what they were?"

"No, they're too vague now." I shook my head.

Hmm, that's odd. I don't usually forget things like that.

"Anyway, I had a dream about meeting a masochistic doppelganger of mine." I continued, recalling one of my weirdest lucid dreams. "And finally, the Black Flame."

"The Black Flame?" Tara asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, when Scott tried to kill me, they instinctively..." I began.

"He what?!!!" Tara screamed, making me slam on the brakes in panic.

We jerked forward before settling back into our seats.

"Yeah, not his finest moment." I smirked, scratching my head.

"I can't believe you." Tara muttered, shooting daggers at Scott. "Have you tried to use them again?"

"No, as I was saying, they instinctively came up to protect me. I tried to conjure them, but it didn't work." I clarified.

"Hmm, I need some time to work this out." Tara mumbled, already lost in thought.

"Fine, and we need to focus on the game tomorrow night." Scott pointed out.

I pursed my lips and shrugged.


A/N: Cue the music! For I'm Back!!

U miss'd me? I know you did.

The chapters are stocked up in Patrón and I'm planning to release it on 18:00 of every Tuesday and Saturday.
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See you soon.

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