chapter forty-five

Start from the beginning

"The new girl?" Henrik questioned. "Isabel? I wasn't looking at her."

"You were," Steven replied. Throwing his meaty hand around Henrik's shoulder, they walked forward together. "You weren't here last year, so I'll fill you in. Last year, she stabbed her boyfriend in the shoulder and broke his jaw in three places."

Henrik sucked in a breath. "Woah," He mumbled.

"Yeah. She's bat shit crazy, okay?"

Henrik paused, moving to the side and looking his friend up and down. Steven was about 6'1 with short, brown hair, and a black backpack that seemed so small compared to his back. "What did her boyfriend do?"

"Does it matter?" Steven retorted. "Don't be one of those, Rik."

As Henrik glanced around, he noticed Isabel was walking out of the back door of the cafeteria. "Yeah, I won't. I'll catch you later. Save me a seat?" 

Steven chucked but went on, joining their other friends at the door. Henrik threw his other arm through his backpack before calling out her name. "Isabel! Hey, wait up." Jogging to catch up with her, the two stopped in front of the lockers. "We have lit together." 

Isabel nodded. "So? What do you want?" 

Henrik raised an eyebrow in confusion but dropped it as fast as it came. "I'm Henrik... Henrik Mikaelson. I saw you leaving the cafeteria in a rush, and was just wondering if you were alright." 

Isabel scoffed. "I heard you and your friends snickering behind me today," She snapped, pulling her black backpack over her shoulder. "So how about you and all of your cruel, fucked up friends leave me alone." 

Henrik froze as she turned around and walked the other way. As the wheels started turning in her head, he couldn't help but shrug off what Steven had said. 

He had seen ruthlessness and violence. He was the youngest of the Mikaelson clan, violent was pretty much his middle name.

And Isabel Collins didn't seem violent. 




Bonnie Bennett sat at the head of the table as she sighed. She looked at everyone at the table, and no one had positive expressions. She couldn't blame them, though. How would they when she had just told them that the baby could die because of her power?

"I—I don't understand," Rebekah started, leaning back in her chair. She swung her blonde hair over her shoulder. "Are you saying that it's either you or the baby?"

Bonnie only looked down. She wanted to look at Klaus, to see his expression, but she couldn't bring herself to. "Either I kill my baby, or my baby kills me."

"Unless" Mina chimed in. Her face and eyes were red and puffy because she had just gotten back from Elijah's grave but, nevertheless, she didn't want to miss this Mikaelson meeting. For once, this one was important. "... you have twins."

Finally, Klaus did something. He hadn't moved during the entire meeting. 

He shook his head.

"For months, I have been listening to its heartbeat, wanting to ensure that this is real and could not be taken away from me," The hybrid grabbed his glass of scotch and tilted his head back, downing the alcoholic beverage in one go. "In doing so, I have not heard two heartbeats. Only one."

Marcel cleared his throat. "Could you not just put your magic away?" He asked, looking between Bonnie and Mina this time. "Like your grandmother did?"

"And face whoever comes for us next without it?" Bonnie countered. "I'm a Bennett witch carrying a magical miracle vampire baby. This world is not going to just let it live in peace."

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