Chapter One: Catastrophe

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I wake up to the sound of screams, the noise buzzing in my head. I sit up and looked to see fire and smoke just outside my window. I look and see people running and shouting, some are fighting with swords and spells, others on the ground, dead or wounded.

What's going on, I feel a surge of fear and panic wash over.

A loud bang fills the room with more noise. I turn around and see my parents, gathering things into a bag.

"Mark, we have to go. Now!" my father says, his voice urgent and serious.
I jump down from my bed and walk towards my parents,

"What's happening? Who's attacking us?" I ask, following them to the door.

"It's someone of great power. He's here for the artifact. He's killing any who stand in his way." my mother says, her voice trembling.

"The artifact? The one you've been guarding for years? The one you never told me anything about?" I ask, feeling a pang of curiosity and fear.

"Yes, that one. We'll explain later. Right now, we must get out of here. Come on, son. Follow." my father says, opening the door and leading the way.

He leads us through the hallway, dodging fireballs and arrows. I see our neighbors and friends, some of whom are fighting back, some of whom are lying on the floor, bloody and lifeless. a wave of sadness and anger washes over me. How can this happen? Who would do this?

We reach the stairs and head down. We run to the back door, where we have our horses ready. We hop on and ride away, leaving behind our home and everything we own.

"Where are we going?" I ask, as we gallop through the streets.

"To the forest. There's a hidden cave there. We'll be safe in there." my mother says, looking back at the flames and smoke.

"But what about the others? What about our friends? We can't just leave them!" I protest, feeling guilty for what's happening.

"We can't help them, Mark. We must save the artifact, it's too important, it's the only thing that can stop the dark mage." my father says, his voice stern and determined.

"Stop him from what? What does he want with the artifact? What is it, anyway?" I ask, frustration covering my face.

"It's a piece of the Dragon King. The most powerful dragon that ever lived. The one who ruled over all the other dragons and all the lands. The one who disappeared a thousand years ago, leaving behind his legacy and his secrets." my mother says, her voice awe-struck and reverent.

"A piece of the Dragon King? What do you mean? How can that be?" I ask, feeling disbelief cross my mind.

"It's a long story, Mark. We'll tell you when we get to the cave. Just trust us, okay? We know what we're doing. We've been preparing for this day for a long time." my father says, his voice reassuring and confident.

I nod, but I'm not convinced. I have so many questions and doubts. I don't understand what's going on, why the dark mage is after the artifact, why my parents are keeping secrets from me, why we have to run and hide. I stop and look back at the place I once called home, it was now a pile of ash and death.

I look at the sky, which is dark and cloudy. I could feel a cold wind blowing on my face, my back began to shiver, I wrapped my cloak around me. I began to ride after my parents, I could see the guilt and pain from the way they rode. I look up to see a full moon begin to rise over the trees of the forest as we enter.

"I think we're safe, for now at least." Father says beginning to slow his horse,

The forest is full of life ranging from small animals to the plants and trees that inhabit the area. We slowly stroll through the forest in the direction of the moon, my father began to look all around, he stops and turns his horse over the right of a tree in the middle of our path.

"Dad what's going on," I say to him, with sadness in my voice,

"We... We did something and..."

"What you did What... What could be so important that we had to leave our friends, our home." I yell at him,

He stops, turns and looks at me with a face full of sorrow, "We took a piece of the Dragon King from the Dark Mage and destroyed all of his research, and..." He began to say,

"And we only did this because his plans where diabolical..." My mother finishes,

"What could be so diabolical of him," I say with a stern voice,

"He knew about our family and about the Child that was born of both worlds, one able to use Magic and live among both worlds without anyone knowing a thing." She says turning to me,

"And what where his plans," I say back still a little stern,

"He planned to use you as a vessel for gaining power from the Dragon Kings remains."

My father says slowing down, "we're here," he says pointing to the side of a cliff,

"uuuuhhhh, there's nothing here," I say looking at it,

"That's what you think," He says walking the horse to the cliff, the horse began to slow down then stops just before the cliff, My father jumped of his horse and grabs the reigns pulling the horse, he came close to the wall and took one more step, he stepped through the wall the horse followed and they both disappeared in the cliff, My mother did the same, I follow and step through the wall seeing the open cave on the other side.

The cave was big and spacious it went back quite far to where I couldn't see even with the dark vision I had. My father began to walk further in, he stops in front of a wall, "Is this another fake wall," I say to him,

He chuckles and begins to press stones on the wall, the stones moved in and out of the wall, he finishes, and the floor began to open to a stairway leading down, he starts down, Mother follows, I look at the stone on the wall, walking down the steps.
"What have you been doing, in your spare time," I say finishing the last few steps,
"preparing" was all I could hear, they began gathering small parchments of paper and putting them in bags, "shouldn't we be safe in here, "No we aren't, he won't give up on trying to get the piece that we have," My father says stuffing books and papers in a bag.

I began to look around the cave finding many drawings and art depictions on the cave walls. The floor began shaking with the sound of a blast shortly following, the ceiling began to crumble and fall, I hurry back to my parents where the Dark Mage standing with a smile on his face, "Well, well, well, look what we have here, the Elven Mage and his other half, where's the shard, and my vessel" He says to my parents who are now holding weapons,

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my son," My father yells as he begins to hold his staff with a circle forming and rocks beginning to accumulate in the area of his circle, the dark Mage began a similar spell but with lightning instead, his lightning was deep purple with a dark glow, My Mother looked over at me, I hid behind the cave wall looking out at them. She stands just behind my father as he casts his spell, but she began to run towards me but, as she began to turn the began to fire his spell, I look at my mother who is unaware of what's happening, my mind starts to race and my, I need to move, I need to save her, MOM.

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