Chapter Two: The Modern World

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I wake up feeling a pain in my side, I feel around and grab a bar of some sort, I try to move it, it only causes more pain. I lift my head and see a metal bar driven straight through my side. I try to sit up, but the bar is keeping me in place, I lay there helpless I look around and see all sorts of things, things I have never seen before, things like huge piles of metal taller than a house or even a two-story tavern, on the other side I see metal beasts moving in the distance, are they Dragons, I have never seen anything like them.

I feel my side begin to feel pressure from the bar, I look to see that some of the wound around the Bar has completely healed, I grab the bar again and feel more pain erupt, I persist in pulling the bar out and it comes out but the wound it left was a gaping hole that I need to close, I look around for anything but there's nothing, I grab a bit of my shirt and rip it tying it around my stomach covering the wound.

I look around to see if anyone is around and see no one. I grab the bar and use it to prop myself up to stand but my legs feel like they are made of nothing, and I collapse back down onto the ground. I sit up and shake my legs to get them to move, I try again and this time I stay up my legs still a little shaky. I look around to see if there is anyone and can see what I think is a person close to those metal dragons, I slowly walk over there but stay hidden behind the piles of metal and things.

I peak my head around the corner of the piles and see people moving things around with the metal Dragons, I see someone inside pulling various levers that are moving the dragons around, I decide to keep looking before I do anything, but I felt a hand grab my shoulder and spin me around, "What are you doing around here, you kids always make a trouble where ever you go, now tell me what are you doing here,"

"I... I don't know, I woke up here in a pile of metal and stuff over there, but I have no idea how I got there."

"Were you doing drugs?"

"What's that is it bad?"

"Yes it's bad, and all I ever see you kids doing is drugs and smoking, now tell me, were you doing drugs."

"No, I was in a fight and was knocked out, then I woke up here, wherever here is." I threw my arms in the air and then felt a major pain hit me in the side and collapse on the ground clutching my side.

"Are you alright, hey kid, are you alright? Kid" He yells as I begin to lose consciousness again, my vision blackening.

I wake up in a bed in some sort of room with curtains and a giant window to my right, there's a pitcher of water and a cup sitting on a table next to me. I hear the door click as I see a man in a white coat walk to my bed.

"Well good morning, or should I say afternoon" he says giving a small chuckle, I'm not amused,

"Where am I" I say in a serious tone,

"Well, no need to talk in that sort of way, but to answer your question, you my friend are in the hospital." he says as he walks across to the window side of my bed, "So, what's your name,"

"My name is," I pause and think of what to do, "Mark... Mark Quin, who are you," I inquire,

"I am Doctor Robert Zenitsky, now may I ask how you got into the land fill?"

"I don't know, all I remember was being in a fight then hitting my head on something hard and waking up here wherever here is." I say looking at everything in the room analyzing it closely,

"What do you mean "wherever here is"' he asks,

"Where I'm from we don't have any of these things anywhere, like this what it this metal thing, and that light, how does it light up, and how come I can't feel any Magical energy being used anywhere," I say pointing at everything in the room,

"Magical energy huh, I know exactly what you are talking about, you don't have electricity in your country," he chuckles, but he's still not getting it,

"No, I mean there is no Magic energy being used the place is being overflowing with it,"

"I'm not sure I follow," his face becomes blank and questioning,

I hold my hand out to the cup of water and think of a spell to make the water float in the air, before I say the incantation the water rises out of the cup, and floats over to me hand, I move it back to the cup and drop it, it falls back into the cup and settles.

Dr. Zenitsky stands there, eyes fixed on the glass, he blinks and slowly turns his head to me,

"What was that," his voice shaky,

"Magic, but I didn't even chant the spell I just thought of it,"

I don't need to chant the spell I can just think of it to use it. I look around for something to use, my eyes fix on a pitcher of wilted flowers,

"Can you bring me those flowers," I say pointing, he grabs them and hands them to me, I look at the flowers and picture them revitalized they instantly began to spring back to their beautiful vibrant colors, I give them back to him and he sets them in the pitcher,

"Where are you from exactly?' he asked his voice still shocked,

"A place like no other, animals that don't exist here or anywhere, plants that would puzzle everyone, medicine that can heal someone almost instantly a place now out of reach." I say beginning to tear up, I look at Dr. Zenitsky, his face gentle and sorrowful, I throw my legs off the bed and stand up,

"Hey, you're still hurt, you need to get back on the bed and rest,"

"I'm fine, the wound has already healed, where are my clothes," I say walking around,

"They are in the closet," he says, I walk to it, open it up and grab the bag.

"Is there a room I can change," I say turning to him, he points to the left of me, I look to see a door saying restroom, "thank you," I walk in and close the door behind me. I walk from the door over to the mirror and set down my bag, I place my hands on the bowl and look into the mirror, "My wings are still hidden but the bracelet is broken, so how" I say quietly,

"Because I hid them under an illusion," I heard a voice say, I look around but see no one around, I look back into the mirror, and my reflection is smiling, "Who are you," I ask it,

"I am the Dragon King, Ruler of the Elves and Dragons," it roars, I look around the room again then back at the mirror and see a dragon as my reflection,

"What do you want and how did you get in my head," I demand, he scoffs,

"That bracelet you always wore, I made that stone with my consciousness when I was defeated,"

"And when I got hit with the dark matter your consciousness, transferred to me,"
"That's right, and now I will take back what's mine," he roars, my head begins ringing, and pain begins to flood my head, my vision begins to blur and I'm losing my balance, I try and balance using the bowl, but I slip off onto the floor making a loud crash, Dr. Zenitsky opens the door and runs in grabbing my shoulders yelling words I can't hear,

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