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2 years later.
Arvi's pov.
I get up after hearing the alarm sound.
It's 6 in the morning, i usually get up at 7 every day.
But today is different, today is my graduation day.
Yes, iam finally graduating. Iam getting my psychology degree today and i can start working legally.

I've done part time jobs here in these 2 years, so that I don't have to ask money from others.
I live in California rather than New York.
I tired living in new york but i couldn't adjust there.
First of all it was really expensive and secondly I didn't like the vibe there.

I like California, i even love here.
It feels like mine, it feels like i do belong here.

I've made two friends here.
Josh and Mila.
Josh is the rudest person you'll ever meet, but deep down he is a cinnamon roll, but Mila looks all innocent and kind but she is badass person ever.
They both have helped me get though thses two years more than anyone else.
I've never felt the lack of my friends when I'm with them.
I miss my friends alot but I was the one who cut contacts, iam at the fault.
They tried to message me alot of times, but i didn't reply, didn't reply to any of them.
I didn't want them to ask me useless questions or tell me to come back.
I can't.
I can't go back there.

I go to the washroom and get ready for the day.
I then take metro and go to my university.
I reach there and i heard Mila running in my direction.

"Ari josh is beating bran". She yells.

"Again?". I ask.

"Bran bad-mouthed about me and josh is beating him up". She says smiling.

"And you're smiling here?". I say.
She has ginger colour hairs and a really fair skin.
Her features are more than average and her nospepin intensify them even more.

"Ofcourse, it's such a good view to see, come on let's go". She says and drags me to the corridor.
Bran was almost about to die, i run to him and say.

"Josh, stop or he'll die".

"I want him to die". He says and punches him again.

"Josh leave him or I'll never talk to you". I yell and he stops in his tracks.

He jerks his collar off and looks at the people sorrounding there.

"JUST FUCKING LEAVE YOU IDIOTS". He yells at them and they all run.
He has Dark brown hair with green eyes that's makes him more than attractive.
He has a personality that everyone is afraid of.
He is known as the most cold-hearted and ruthless person in the university and no one tries go go against him here because his father is the most influential person in this State.
Influential parents privileges.

He comes towards us and Mila claps.

"Good work joshy". She says and he high-fives her.
I just shake my head at them and say.

"Stop behaving like bitches".

"Come on, don't be angry. Let's go and click pictures. It's the last day of university today". Josh says in his deep voice and headlocks both of us while dragging us to the main area.

We just spent all day while clicking pictures and joking around.
We got the degree finally.
Josh was in business department.
Mila was in fashion department,
And i wss in medical department.
Don't ask me how we became friends.

"Let me drop you both". Josh says and we hop in his car.

"Let's do something fun today". Mila says excitedly.

"Your definition of fun is really dangerous". I say and josh laughs.
Even his laugh sounds rich.

"Come on Ari, i was talking about watching a movie". She says rolling her eyes.

"Let's go to the theater then". Josh says and drives in the Mall's direction.
The same mall we go together often.

"Let's see something horror today". Mila says.

"Comedy". I say.

"Mystery". Josh says rolling his eyes.

"No, horror". She yells.

"Mystery is better". Josh says.

"No, let's watch comedy today". I say.

"No no-". Josh cuts her off.

"Okay fine, iam out you both decide". He says.

"I can't win against her, let's watch horror then". I say rolling my eyes and she smiles proudly.

"That's my kids". She says and we laugh at her antics.

After watching a horror movie that made my condition worse, we are eating an ice cream.

Josh wanted to go to the bar and drink as well as Mila but i wanted to be sober today.
So they both agreed to me.
Iam so grateful for them honestly.

When i reached home, i change into some pjs and sit down to watch some reels.
I was scrolling reels peacefully until i come across a post saying.

And there was picture of kairav putting vermillion in Mahira's hiars.
I instantly got all the flashbacks of our dating days.
I was so happy with him, but he just played me.
I hate him so much and sorry Mr. Kairav Malhotra but I won't wish you happy married life.
I wish you never be happy in this marriage.
Call me selfish but i still hate that girl more than anyone in my life.

The end.

I've written another book called "from dare to devotion" for them. Make sure to dive into their story more. Bye bye. I hope you liked this book.

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