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Mahira's pov.
It was currently 5 pm and we are still figuring out designs.
I hate you ivaan Chaudhary. You gave me such hard work. And again I have to do work with this man.

My stomach growled and that's when I realized i haven't eaten lunch yet. How can i forget my precious food.

He looked at me and said.
"You haven't eaten lunch yet".

"I forgot".

"Are you a kid? How can you forget to eat lunch?". He said sternly.
Why the hell is he giving me this look? What is it to him if i eat lunch or not?
What is he? My father?

"Why are you yelling? And I said I forgot".
I said

"Let's go". He said getting up from the sofa and picking up his blazer.

"Where?". I asked confusingly.

"To get you food". He said.

"No". I denied.

"What do you mean by no?". He asked.

"No means no, I won't come with you". I said.

"And please elaborate, why won't you come with me?". He asked.

"We're not friends nor relatives so I can't eat with you". I said.

"You can sit with me in a room/cabin for 3 hours alone but you can't come and eat with me". He states.

"That actually i-
He cut me off and dragged me out while saying.

"You're coming with me and that's final".

"What is wrong with you? Leave me. Everyone is watching". I said as he was still dragging me through the corridor.

"You chose this". He said and continued dragging me out of the office.

He stopped Infront of his car, opened the door for me and said.

"Sit". He said sternly.

I just stood there while crossing my arms.

"Miss mahira Chaudhary, I won't repeat myself". He said. The hell.

I just sat in the passenger seat and crossed my arms again. Who is he to order me?

He also get in the car and drive to somewhere I don't know.

The car came to a halt after 15 minutes.
It was an Italian restaurant.
Finally something junk. Thank God.

He got out of the car,and opened the door for me.

No matter how much iam hungry, I won't surrender to him that easily.

"Come out mahira". He said trying not to yell.
Ofcourse iam stubborn. I just sat there.

"Don't test my patience or you'll regret it". He said.

I just sat there. But i wasn't expecting what happened after that.

He picked me up. HE PICKED ME UP. That too in bridal style.
Everyone's looking at us now. Great Mahira Chaudhary.

So many voices were heard as he was taking me to the restaurant.
-what a cute couple-
-how romantic-

What romantic? What's romantic in this? A girl is getting picked up without her consent and people are finding it romantic. How idiotic.

"Please, get me down. I'll walk myself". 

"I don't trust you". He said and walked inside the restaurant.

How embarrassing.

He walked to a table and put me down on a chair and sit on a chair Infront of me.

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