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Mahira's pov.
I was laying on the hospital bed, lost in my thoughts.
All the insecurities driving back in my mind. I don't know why but i don't feel good, not physically but mentally. This feeling of abandonment isn't going away, well now that i think of it, it was always there. I just used to mask it with a smile.
Iam feeli-
My thoughts were interrupt by mom walking inside the ward.
"Sit back and eat this bacha". Mom says showing me a lunch box.
I'm so hungry at this point, i haven't eaten anything since two days.
She opens the lunch box revealing something i really hate.
Like seriously? Porridge?

"I'm not eating this, it's yucky". I say making an eww face.

"Mahira your health is not good beta, you have to eat light food". Mom says.

"No mom no, iam not eating this". I say while looking away.

"Mahira. This is the last time I'm telling you to eat this". Mom says sternly.
I just shrug.

"Mahira, what's this behavior? Do you really want me to force you to eat this?". Mom says.

"Mummaaaaaa". I say showing puppy eyes.

"Not gonna work this time". She says.
And i just roll my eyes.

"Okay fine, just finish half of it, hmm?". She says.
And i just shake my head.

"Mahi-". She was cut off by Armaan bhai coming inside.

"How are you feeling bacha?". He asks Patting my head.
I just look at him. He gets me so much, like so much. He is only person who can understand me without even asking anything. He has always been there for me. Always. No matter how much i fight with him, he is always gonna be my favourite sibling.
Not saying that Ahaan and Ivaan bhai are not supportive or anything. They are, but Armaan bhai has never left my side as far as i remember, he is practically a God's gift. I don't know how would he react if he find out iam dating kairav without telling him.

"Where are you lost?". He asks.
"Nothing bhaii". I say smiling at him.

"Armaan, make her eat this. She is just throwing tantrums. I have to talk to the doctor about Raavi's medicines so please make her eat this". Mom says and Armaan nods.

"So miss Mahira Chaudhary, are you running your pretty little mind again? Didn't doctor say you shouldn't take stress". He says when mom walks out.

"Bhaiiiiii". I say and hug him.

"I'm here". He says patting my back.

"I'm scared". I say.

"Of what exactly?".

"I don't know". I say.

"How about you tell me what are you thinking about? ". He says breaking the hug and holding my hand. 

"What if that happens again? What if i get neglected again? I know that what iam thinking is useless but they both are proving my point. I called them 6 hours back but they haven't come yet". I say looking down.

"Look at me". He states.
I look at him not knowing the tears were welled up in my eyes.

"Don't worry bacha, that's not gonna happen. I won't let it happen, believe me. I regret every moment of not standing up for you at that time, but I won't let this happen again". He says and hugs me.

"Okay now, we'll talk about this later. Now come on finish this". He says pointing to the porridge.

"No way I'm finishing this thing. It's so bad". I say.

"Are you gonna finish this or should i call Ahaan, you know how strict of a doctor he is". He says chuckling.
No way I am listening his shitty lecture about how we should eat healthy. It's better to eat this thing than to hear his lecture.

Nothing, But A Dare(#1)Where stories live. Discover now