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Mahira's pov.
What the hell? How can he say that?
I just want the earth to swallow me at this point.

"What did he say?". Dad asked walking towards Armaan.

"Dad, actually i didn't mean to hide that". Arman bhaii says.

"Hide what Armaan?". Ivaan bhaii asks glaring at him.

"Kairav is.... dating Ma-Mahira". Armaan bhaii says.

"What?". Mom says while her eyes widen.

"And when were you planning to tell us?". Ahaan asks Armaan bhaii.

"It's not my call to tell anyone and for your kind of information i just got to know about that yesterday morning when I arrived here". Armaan shouts at him.

"Uncl-". Dad cuts kairav off.

"Don't. Don't say anything, we'll talk about this later. Let's proceed the ceremony". Dada announces sternly and everyone goes back to their place.

What should i do? I feel so weird. I never wanted to lie, i was just not ready to tell them yet. Iam really sorry about lying.

I run to my room instead of applying my mehandi.
I just hate my life, i hate every moment of it.
I enter my room and flope on the bed while crying my heart out.

Many hours pass and i unconsciously fall asleep.
Until i hear a knock on the door.
I get up from the head. My head feels heavy, like someone is hammering my head.

I walk to the door and open it just to see raavi, rahul and reyansh standing there.
They quickly engulf me in a hug, we stay like that for almost a minute.
We break the hug and rahul says.

"Are you okay?".

"No I'm not". I whisper and reyansh says.

"I never imagined you dating kairav".
Raavi hushes him.

"Mahira maasi asked you to come downstairs". Raavi says while Patting my arm.

I look at her and shake my head.

"I don't want to fa-face them Raavi. Iam so terrified". I say while tears again well up in my eyes.

"Don't worry Mahira, you're not a minor and you're not dating a bad guy. You don't have to be afraid. You have to take the responsibility of your actions, you have to stand up for both of you, you want this, no?". She says.

"I'm not ready". I say.

"You have to be. Remember Mahira, now or never". Rahul says and i nod.

We all walk downstairs just zo see everyone standing there.
I just search for dad and i find his cold eyes looking at everywhere but me.
I know he is hurt. He trusted me with everything. He is the only person who always supported me even if i was wrong. He always said he is proud of me even if i fail my exams.
He has the right to be upset. I don't blame him for that.
And mom, i know she always scolds me for little things but she loves me more than anyone present here. I remember how she used to stay up all night looking after me when i fell sick. She never lets me do any house chore, she never judges me for anything i do. She just loves me alot and i even lied to her.
And ofcourse Ivaan bhaii. He is really a pillar of my dreams and hopes. He just supports me without telling me. I know he is really angry at me. His eyes tell everything his mouth can't express.
Armaan and Ahaan haven't been less than my best friends. They both annoy me so much but annoyance is their love language. I never mind them acting protective of me. But between all of this, sometimes it feels suffocating.

"You have something to say?". Aunty asks kairav who was constantly looking at me.

"I don't know why all of you are acting like we've done some sin. We are just dating, like everyone does, we are not minors". Kairav shouts aggressively.

Nothing, But A Dare(#1)Where stories live. Discover now