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Kairav's pov.
I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning, do my morning routine and walk downstairs.
I'm already in a patchy mood today, i couldn't even sleep properly because of a boy named shivang.
Who the hell is he? Why was she talking about him so much? I don't even know him but i surely have beef with him now. Just don't let him be infront of my eyes or I'll surely dig his grave myself.

I pick up my phone and my fingers itch to call her, she is really something, no? At night she cut the call and hasn't even messaged me after that. Not even one message.

Iam not going to call cause i don't want to look desperate. Iam desperate but I don't want to look like a desperate person.

I was about to leave for my firm but mom stopped me.

"Where are you going without having breakfast kairav?'. She says.

"Mom, I don't feel like eating. I'll just leave". I say and was about to go.

"Iam not hearing excuses. Come and eat and what are you guys doing? Do you have any idea that natahsa's marriage is in 12 days? You all are doing nothing but wasting the time. We haven't picked venue for the functions, we haven't contacted catering, we haven't selected dresses, and all the things for for shagun and gifts, nothing has been done". She exclaims.

"Mom don't worry, everything will be managed". Natahsa said coming in our direction

"Just like how you managed engagement party right? That idiot forgot to book a venue". She says pointing in rahul's direction.

"Mom...". Rahul whines.

"Don't worry shushmita, we all are here, everything will be managed". Dad says.

"Mom dad actually me and Ivaan are thinking to do all the rituals together. So we have to look for a resort that we can book". Natasha says.

"I know a resort that's out of mumbai and the location is nice, if you want we can book that. It's also very big so both of our families can fit". I suggest.

"You can discuss this with Ivaan actually, he also knows some resorts so you both can discuss which one is better". Natasha says.

"But nat-". She cut me off by saying.

"I know that kairav, but you have to. I'm not hearing otherwise".

"Fineee". I say.

"And we have to ask Mahira and raavi to come to our house for dinner". Mom says.

"Huh? Why do we have to ask them for dinner?". Rahul asks.

"Cause I want to spend time with them and we are going to do something you can never know". Natasha says.

"Do what?". I ask.

"Sorry kairav, you don't get access to this information". She says and walks to the dining table.

"Now come on, let's have breakfast". Mom says and follows Natasha.

We all follow them and sits down to eat breakfast. I don't even feel like eating at this point.

"Bhaii can you drop us to college today, our car has gone for the detailing". Reyansh says coming downstairs and sitting down.

"Ohh yea, i totally forgot about that, drop us at college today". Rahul says.

"Okay". I say and we proceed to eat.

Mahira's pov.
I get up from my deep slumber and freshen up.
Iam so sleepy today. I slept at 4am yesterday and I can't function properly without my sleep.
I even forgot to message kairav back, i literally hung up on him.

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