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Kairav's pov.
It's been five hours. Five fucking hours and the doctor haven't come out of the ICU yet.
Iam getting restless by passing every moment.
Raavi is still unconscious, yes five hours and still unconscious.
Priyal is out of danger thankfully but she is still unconscious and she has had a leg fracture and a massive injury on her head. Thankfully it hasn't caused internal damage but because of the force applied on that area she hasn't gained consciousness yet. Doctors said she would be conscious after some hours.

Every is getting impatient now. I don't know what should i do. I can't think of anything.
Uncle and aunty have been crying continuously as well as Ahaan.
Ivaan and Armaan have been staring at the ICU blankly but i know they are dying from inside.

We all were waiting for the ICU door to open but at that moment a nurse came running to us and said.

"Has any of your blood group O-? The car with which your car crashed, there was a girl in that car. Her family hasn't arrived yet and we can't keep her like this anymore, we have to treat her so do any of you guys have O- blood group?".

" blood group is O negative". Ivaan says blankly.

"Please come with us. She seriously needs blood". She says.
And Ivaan follows her somewhere.

Suddenly the ICU door opened and doctor came out.
He pulled his mask down and said.
"Thank to God that surgery was successful". He says and everyone of us smile.
"But.....". He says.

"But what doctor?". I say.

"But we still can't say that she is out of danger. If she doesn't get consciousness in the next 48 hours then we're sorry". He says and walks away.

"Fourty-eight hours.........". Uncle says and breaks down.

"Dad please don't.... don't lose hope. I know she is......she is really brave. She'll fight death too". Armaan says with tears.

"Mom dad you guys go home. We are here with them, you guys need rest". Rahul says.

"Yes dad, he is right". Reyansh says.
And they nod and walk outside.

"Uncle aunty....". I kneel Infront of them.
"You guys should also go home. I know....i know you are worried but....... it's gonna worsen your health and I'm sure Mahira won't like that. Will she?". I say composing myself.

"How can we? How can we lose another daughter kairav? She is our only daughter". Aunty says crying hard.

"We won't. Nothing will happen to her. She is not weak that she can't even fight an accident. She has fought one before and she'll fight this one too". I say.

"But you guys have to take care of her. How will you take care of her if you're the one worsening your health. That's why iam saying you guys should go home. We're here, Me, Ivaan,  Armaan, Ahaan, rahul, reyansh, natasha and Mayank. We all are here, you both go home and rest". I say and they nod.

"Armaan drop them home and then come here, I don't think uncle or aunty can drive in this state". I say and he nods and follows them.

"Raavi...when will she get the consciousness?". Rahul whispers to himself but i hear it.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine". I whisper to him.

Ivaan's pov.
I blankly tell the nurse that my blood group is O negative and follow her to a ward.
It was ER.
I couldn't care less to see the girl because i can't stop thinking about Mahira.
I can't lose her.
I can't let the history repeats itself.
That would be too much torture for us.
I still can't forget that day, how it unfolded? How i died everyday after that day.
I've just made myself stable, just two or three years back. I can't be that same person again.
It would hurt everyone around me and including me.

I just lay on a bed beside that girl's bed and the nurse take out my blood around 10-15 minutes and i was just lying there because according to them my body was weak.

They aren't letting me go. I want to see Mahira, i want to see how is she doing over there.

But suddenly my eyes drift to that girl lying over there.
That can't be true.
That can never be true.
No no no no no.

I quickly get up from the bed but due to weakness i fall on the ground but still can't take my eyes off her.

How? I mean how?

Kairav's pov.
It's been 20 minutes and Ivaan isn't back yet nor is Armaan.

"Congratulations, the other girl got her consciousness. She is looking for you guys". A nurse comes and says.
She is talking about Raavi.

"Any two people can get in the room so please any two of you can go inside". Nurse says.

Raavi's pov.
My eyes open but my head. I can't understand anything.
The accident.......that happened.
Am i in the hospital?
I look around the room but i can only see a nurse checking my heartbeat.
" family?". I say weakly.

"Thank God you're fine now. Don't worry I'll call your family now". Nurse says and walks outside.

How's Mahira and how's Priyal? I hope they are okay.
I just lay there and wait for them to come.
My head is paining and my arm. I can't move my right arm.
It's broken i think. It's all plastered.

"Raavi......". Ahaan says followed by rahul.

"Are you okay? Does your head feel heavy?". Ahaan says.

"Water..". I say slowly.

"I'll bring the water". Ahaan says and walks outside.

"How are you?". Rahul asks when Ahaan leaves.

"I'm good i guess, just headache". I say weakly.

"Do you know how much worried i was? I couldn't...i couldn't even cry infront of them". He says and breaks down.

"It's fine rahul. I'm fine now. See I'm fine". I tell him.

"I was so scared, you were not getting up, priyal was in danger and that idiot Mahira is also not getting up. You three scared the shit out of us". He says.

"Mahira...she isn't out of danger yet? And priyal is fine?". I ask.

"Priyal is still unconscious, but she is out of danger now. But Mahira". He says.

"But Mahira what rahul? Is she okay?". I ask panicking.

"No.... doctor said if she doesn't get up in fourty-eight hours, we'll..... we'll lose her". He says slowly.

"What? Ma.... mahira. Oh my God, why? She.......WHY?".  I shout.

"Don't panic.  Please, let's pray for her well-being. We can't lose hope". He says.

"It's all my fault. I should've driven the car. It's all because of me I-". He cuts me off

"No, it's not your fault. It is none of your fault. Don't blame yourself". He says.

"No it is.....i don't know how.......please rahul i want to go to her.....i please....". He quickly hugs me calming me down.

"Don't panic. Stop it, nothing will happen to her. Everything will be fine. Everything will be okay". He says calmly and i cry in his embrace.
Until we hear the door open.
Rahul immediately leaves me and Ahaan comes inside with water.

"Drink it". He makes me drink water and i gulp it down in one go.

"Do you feel okay now?". He asks.

"Mahira.......". I say snd he hugs me.

"That idiot doesn't want to get up. She sleeps like a panda. We are so restless here and she is resting peacefully". He says crying.

"I'll just beat her so much when she gets up. How can she scare her so much?". He says.

"Maybe that's why she is not getting up because you want to beat her". I say and he laughs while crying.

"Let's pray that she gets up". Rahul says and we hum.

Nothing, But A Dare(#1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora