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Kairav's pov.
We reached at our destination safely and went to our booked hotel.
The ride to the hotel was peaceful.
Three people are living in each room except some.
Me, Arman and mayank in one.
Rahul, reyansh, ahaan in one.
Raavi, priyal ,Mahira in one.
Aashvi and urooj in one.
Natahsa is supposed to share room with them but I don't think she would so probably ivaan and natasha together.

We reach at our room and i flope on the bed. Armaan and mayank follow me to the room but stay at their place.

"Why are you standing at the door?". I asked them.

"I don't want to share the room with him". Armaan says pointing to Mayank.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but you're gonna share the room with me". Mayank says.

"What's going on?". I ask them.

"We're dating". Mayank says and Armaan's eyes wide.
They are dating ye- what the hell? THEY'RE WHAT?

"You're what?". I ask getting up from the bed.

"We are dating". Mayank says not bothered.

"Why can't you just shut your mouth?". Armaan says to him.

"Why can't you just accept that you're gay?". Mayank says.

"Oh please, I would have never started dating you if i wouldn't have accepted that iam gay". Armaan exclaims.

"Then what's the problem?". Mayank asks.

"The problem is your mouth. Why can't you just shut up?". Armaan tells him.

"But-" armaan cuts him off.

"I don't want to hear another word from you Mayank and don't, i repeat, do no tell anyone that we are dating, is that clear?". Says in a stern voice.

Mayank just shrugs.

"I want words". He says more sternly. Shut up iam scared now. What the hell is going on here?

"Okay". Mayank says and looks down.

"And were not you the one saying, -no one can deny that beauty- then go and share the room with that beauty". Armaan tells him.

"Are you jealous? Come on baby, iam literally dating a 6ft man". Mayank says smirking.
Baby? BABY? EWW.

"Go and fuck yourself". He says.

"I'll prefer you". Mayank smirks more.

"You both shut up and tell me what is going on here". I interrupt their conversation.

"We're dating ". Mayank says.

"Don't try to outsmart me. I can sense from your conversation that you guys are dating but how, when?". I Said.

"He was on his knees for me, i pitied him and said yes". Armaan says.

"That's true, I'm always on my knees for you". Mayank says. Shut up.

"Did you forget your soon to be fiance is here?". I said reminding him of urooj.

"I won't get engaged to her ever". He says.

"And I'll not let him". Mayank says a little deeply.

"I need time". I say.

"It's fine, but just don't tell anyone yet". Armaan says worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's not my topic to discuss anyways". I state.

He thanks me and go to the washroom.
Mayank flopes on the bed and we hear a knock on the door.

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