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Mahira's pov.
We are in plane right now, heading back to Mumbai.
These two days were really depressing for me honestly except the temple part and beach part. Those were just perfect.
I just want to sleep but my mind isn't letting me.
Over thinker's problems.
So i just look out of window admiring the sky and stars.
It's 1am and most people are sleeping except kairav who is just staring at me. He stares so much at me. Like bro get a break.
"Stop staring". I whisper to him.

"Stop being so beautiful". He says. Bro be just dropping the cheesiest lines ever.

"Blame my genes". I replied.

"Nahhh, i want these genes in our bloodline". What the hell did he say? Did he jus-
Oh God.
No blushing no blushing no blu-

"You have a benefit of having me". He says.


"You won't have to buy expensive blush on ever". Idiot idiot idiot. But wait he knows about blush on? Green flag alerted.

"Bro please just go to sleep".

"I prefer sweetheart though".

"There's no point in arguing with you, it's not like iam ever gonna win".

"If you want, i can lose every argument".

"Yea right".

"I wanted to ask you properly though but i didn't have the time so iam asking you now". He says a little seriously.
Don't tell me he wants my shark blanket cause iam not gonna give it to him. But he doesn't even know about my shark blanket. Iam stupid.

"What?". I asked curiously.

"Would you go on a date with me?". Oh. Do i want to? Yes. Will i say yes? I don't know.

"And why do you think iam interested in going on date with you?". I asked teasing him.

"Cause iam handsome? And you have kissed me two times?". Shut up.

"One time". What the hell Mahira?

"Thank God you admit".

"Fine, I'll go on a date with you but that doesn't mean we can be in a relationship. I'll decide that after the date".

"Anything you say".
I just hummed and looked outside of the window smiling to myself. He definitely knows what he's is doing and I'm loving every bit of it.

We landed in Mumbai around 3am and airport was literally crowded at this time too.
We pick our luggage and walk out of the airport just to stand there for I don't know how long.
It must have been 15 minutes and we're standing outside of the airport cause everyone was sleeping and no one called the driver to come. Idiots.

"Bhaiii till when are we gonna stand here? My legs are paining". I ask sleepily.

"Just 10 minutes more bacha". Ivaan bhai replies.

"I want to sleep ". I whined holding his arm.

"Yea just 10 minutes and you can sleep ". He says caressing my hair.

Suddenly a car stopped Infront of us and it was urooj's. Her driver out her luggage in the trunk and opened the door for her. Is she handicap? Can't she do basic thing herself? Spoiled.

"Armaan you can come with me, I'll drop you". She says. Yea take him away, his mere presence is annoying me.

"No thanks". He replies.
She just shrugs and drives away. Shukar hai ek to gai.

"Babe, I'm taking a taxi. I can't wait any longer here". Natasha bhabhi says.

"But nat, taxi at this time?". He asks.

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