⚀ Touch Starved ⚀

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Ceremony over. Book burned. Garmadon... gone.

The sun was sinking below the sand and they were on their way down the mountain, silent, stiff, and shocked.

Kylie just wanted to hug someone. Anyone. Anyone except...

She glanced at Sensei Wu.

Face stern. Solemn. Tense.

Her eyes traveled to Misako, walking behind Wu like a shadow. She looked torn. Kylie watched as mother looked to son, who was being guided by Kai, who was walking next to Lloyd and had put his arm around him.

Strict. Tense. Emotionless?

A few elemental masters were waiting for them at the bottom of the corridor.

Kai drifted towards Skylor, and as Kylie spotted her uncle, she similarly walked over to him.

Is it just me or does nobody else care? she thought, hoping he would hear.

They care, he replied, much to her relief. They just don't know how to show it. He gave her a faint smile as she approached.

I don't want him to be- She started to tear up.

I know. He gave her a hug and she melted into it.

"Are you going to come with us?" she asked out loud as the embrace was broken. It was a change hearing their voices externally, and the first time Kylie had spoken in awhile.

"Yes, I think I will."

"Good." She clasped his hand, and they walked onto the Bounty where everyone was gathering to take off. She led him below deck where a few chairs were, and collapsed into one, just realizing how exhausted she was. Neuro sat in a chair next to her.

"Your powers were very helpful today," he said.

"Yeah... I don't know what I'd do without them. Honestly, it scares me."

He nodded. "Having such an important power... you feel like it all depends on you."

"Exactly." He gets me. Maybe because we're related, or because he's the Mind elemental. She hoped he wasn't listening to her thoughts. But why would he be? He only did that when they were trying to communicate like that in the first place.

"You saved a lot of people," he continued. "You did a good job."

"Yeah." I didn't save Garmadon...

"You did all that was in your power to do."

"Mmh." Her eyes found the floor.

Footsteps approached and Jay appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey, I was looking for you."

"Hi, Jay," she gave him a tired smile.

"Um, I didn't know he was coming," Jay motioned to Neuro.

"Well now you know. What's up?"

"We're about to take off and were wondering where you are. You guys should probably come up."

"Oh ok." Kylie glanced at her uncle, and they followed Jay to the main control room.

"Ah, there you are," Wu smiled uncomfortably and nodded to Neuro. "Zane, are we ready?"

"Yes, everyone is here, and the ship is ready to fly," the droid replied.

"Let's go home."

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Kylie, Master of HealingKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat