🌱 Unreal 🌱

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To scream was all she could do as she witnessed her mother be crushed by a car that came crashing down on her.

She couldn't hold back her tears, and everything became blurry. Kylie knew she had to go on, but the wind was so ferocious and her spirit was so low that she wasn't sure if she could do it.

The city was filled screams as cars and large parts of buildings being literally thrown through the city by the Overlord. The only people to be seen were either running for shelter or not moving because they were probably dead.

Kylie ducked in an allleyway so she didn't get sucked down the street. She looked up, and - how was it possible? - she saw them. The ninja. The city's only hope. They were also running as to not be sucked into the gust of wind. 

She looked farther around the corner and saw a giant tornado of brilliant gold, which was causing the wind like a tornado would. Cars and anything were flying through the air, being sucked in by it. But her heart leapt into her throat as she saw a large piece of roof smash into one of the ninja and send him flying into a building, a couple down from the one she was hiding behind. She had to get to him. Whichever one it was, she couldn't tell. 

She kept her eyes on the place where he fell, and fought against the pull of the wind towards him. Finally she got there, and dug around in the debris before she spotted something: the red cloth of the ninja's gi. 

She worked very hard to lift the rest of the metal scraps off of him. Finally he was free, and she managed to lift him from under the arms and drag his unconscious body towards the nearest manhole, which was only several yards away. She had seen others going inside these for shelter earlier.

By the time she opened the lid, the winds had died down significantly. Phew, she thought, I thought I might pass out from exhaustion. She wasn't surprised to find other people hiding in the narrow tunnel, and was able to lower the red ninja down to several hands willing to help.

By the time Kylie climbed down herself, she was extremely exhausted, and her body wanted to pass out, but she fought the urge. She forced herself to look at the ninja to make sure he was ok. People had moved out of the way to make room to lay him down. She squeezed her way past a few, then knelt beside him. 

She checked his pulse and breath. 

He was alive.

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, and smiled, looking around at the people staring down at her. She felt a surge of pride; she had saved a ninja.

She checked him for injuries and found multiple cuts, bruises, and scrapes, especially from where the car hit him. There was nothing to be done about it now, but he would be ok, as long as the Overlord was defeated in a reasonable amount of time.

She leaned against a wall and closed her eyes.

The next thing she knew, she was woken up by the ground and walls of the tunnel shaking. There was chaos above, though no one knew what was happening. She had no idea how long she had slept, either.

 A chill went through Kylie, and suddenly everything was still. The lid of the manhole cracked open and an icy breeze blew into the tunnel. A couple people climbed up to the top and peeked out, and shouted that the coast was clear. Everyone slowly crawled out, and someone helped her carry the unconscious ninja.

They immediately spotted others who were also crawling out from hiding underground, and some of the first were the ninja. Their sensei was the first to notice them.

Kylie, Master of HealingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon