Distraction (Evolution Pt. 4)

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Fang POV
Once everyone had understood the plan, I gave everyone the go-signal. Hydro, Pyral and Aerial, who had unified themselves, replicated millions of times and ran around causing chaos and distracting Gemini's minions. As the crowds parted, I narrowed my eyes in triumph, whipping the golden coil of rope towards Gemini.

We were just about to grab her when Gemini's face spread with a slow smile, and in seconds we realised why.

"No!" I gasped, stumbling back. The moment the chains had touched Gemini, they were absorbed into her skin and disappeared! "Teleto!" I called desperately.

"Second Chance!" Teleto commanded, rewinding time. Golden Dragon unleashed an inferno on her, but it extinguished the second it touched her.

"How is she doing this?" Golden Dragon shouted over the roar of battle cries all around us. Gemini was readying a giant explosion of starlight as the two of us ducked into Psionio's shield, given that ours had dissolved when we attacked.

"Solar & Lunar!" I realised. "They're manipulating the light to make themselves disappear from our view somehow!"

Moonshot unraveled his shield and released a barrage of shadows, peeling away the illusions that had hid the Vikas. The trio of villains growled, sending multiple beams of light flying towards him. He ducked and rolled away just in time, a burning hole now marking the place where he had just been standing.

"Solar is already on fire," I pointed out as we observed the duo from behind a shield, "And he'll burn away soon. Meanwhile, we still have to deal with Lunar, and I have an idea..."

"Fulmination Bolt!" I commanded, tossing the giant yellow boomerang at the villains. They darted aside in the nick of time, but weren't prepared for it to come spinning back from behind.

"One down!" I cheered as Lunar was paralysed by the golden energy.

"Two, you mean," the unification of Pyral, Hydro and Aerial corrected. A powerful gust of wind sent Solar tumbling into the Hydroblaze, which had already held millions of minions captive. Gemini clenched her fists in frustration, calling even more stars down to fight. But Aerial whipped them away with a powerful blast, sending them tumbling into the snowy landscapes beyond.

"Gotcha!" I laughed as my golden coil wrapped around Gemini. I tore everything she held off her, letting them burn in Golden Dragon's flames. Finally, the tiny butterfly escaped from the flames, stripped of its powers.

"Balance!" I roared over the din; soon a wave of golden light whisked Gemini's minions away, repairing all the damage that had been done to the clearing.

"Wha...what happened?" Professor Aria asked in confusion as she got up and rubbed her head, no longer the fearsome space-controlling villain that was Gemini.

"I'll take you back to your office, ma'am," Moonshot offered warmly after I passed her the magical charm. But Aria declined politely, "Thank you, young gentleman, but I wouldn't want to trouble you at all! I know the way back from here."

With that, the astronomy professor gave a wave before she disappeared into the darkness. We were all ready to leave when a whisper sliced through the darkness, "No, no, heroes. Your battle is far from over!"

We whirled around, each conjuring a sphere of energy. And sure enough, a bright, dazzling shine glinted in front of us as a new villain announced, "I am Stillness, and I am here to make this world a completely numb place forever!"

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