Fury (Migration Pt. 3)

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Fang POV
"You will pay for that!" Homer snarled as a hundred arrows appeared in her quiver, only to be shot seconds later.

"Voyage!" we shouted. As we teleported here and there, blasting some arrows away with our own attacks, we murmured, "This can't continue. We can't defeat Homer because she's firing too quickly!"

Time to distract her! We thought as a golden boomerang appeared in our hand. "Take a chill pill, Homer!" we sniggered as the boomerang sliced all of her arrows in half. Homer screamed in frustration, her eyes burning with fury as she leaped here and there, dodging the flying boomerang.

"Gimmi, divide!" we shouted, quickly recharging the Kyra with one hand while the other controlled the boomerang.

"No—I—refuse—to—be—beaten!" Homer screamed furiously. What seemed like a thousand arrows appeared in her palm, and as she shot all of them at once, the boomerang spiralled away upon impact.

"Voyage!" We yelled, reappearing on top of Petrifico. "Come and get me!" we taunted, laughing as Homer struck Petrifico. With a jolt, Petrifico came to life, and suddenly his powers went haywire.

Each golden ray slammed against the walls and did...nothing? Until the wall flipped upside down...

"Ugh..." Homer snarled in fury. "Petrifico, I renounce you!" With a snap, the eyeball disappeared.

"Wait...what?" we asked in confusion as we reunified Gimmi. "How did she do that?"

We watched slowly as a golden talon flew out of the bow and arrow, which only added to our confusion. But Colette sent a fire raging after it, wrapping around it carefully and putting it in a tiny drawstring bag.

Still shocked by what had happened earlier, we continued to fight against Homer. It seemed like the battle would never end.

And soon, we began to tire out.

It was on the 37th try that no one actually got hit.

"We...need...to...find...Byron!" The six of us chimed in our head. "Ba-bye, Homer! Catch ya later!"

As we teleported away, Homer's eyes searched the grounds in confusion.


"Master Byron, we need your help!" shrieked Tokki when we got into his office.

"What is it?" Byron asked in confusion. "And why are all of unified into one?"

"We're facing Homer," we told him, in my voice, quickly. "Earlier, Homer just renounced her own Vika, Petrifico. And when she did, some sort of golden talon flew out of her aviniatized object."

"What?" Byron's face twisted with surprise. "What do you mean?"

"It was just like the avinia, except it seemed to create the Vika!" we informed him in Edgar's voice.

"I need to see it for myself..." Byron murmured.

"Luckily for you, I happen to collect all the avinias in case there's something important about them!" we declared in Colette's voice, continuing, "And I just happened to collect that golden talon earlier. But first, we need to fight Homer before she causes any more damage!"

"Voyage!" We yelled as we grabbed Byron's arm, pulling him through the portal. By the time we got back to the FieldCafe, Homer was nowhere in sight. But a path of destruction lead northwards.

Suddenly, the path ended in the middle of a garden. "Where did she go?" Byron looked around in confusion.

At that moment, someone cackled, "Hello there!"

Looking up to see Homer, we also noticed something else too late.

Ten arrows flying towards Byron.

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