Responsibilities (Developments Pt. 1)

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Fang POV
A week had passed since I had become the new guardian—a huge responsibility. But so far nothing much had changed, except for Byron's office now being shielded by a thick force field that had been merged with Fulminations. So if anyone touched it, they would be stunned instantly; and if they tried to teleport through, they would just slam against a wall of shields.

Of course, Byron would still leave his office to teach some classes, but he was equipped with many items already. I had used my Creation to make an obscurer that could turn him invisible when he really needed it, a poison-spiked dagger that came with a golden holster, as well as a glass ball that could expand and block off paths.

Too bad concepts can only exist once in the universe—that's why I couldn't create a weapon to replicate our own powers, which would be much more useful. But for now, Hydro had created an everlasting Transmission that allowed Byron to call us for help in case he ran into danger.

Luckily, Byron hadn't needed it yet. And I silently made a prayer that he wouldn't ever need it.

Penny POV
"It's perfect!" Lodestar smiled evilly at the bubbling black liquid in the pot. It frothed and hissed, looking like boiling tar. But as I watched Lyrii drink it, I picked up the courage to take a shot of my own, cringing and nearly doubling over when poisonous retch threatened to leave my throat. But I sickeningly swallowed it down, and as I waited, a tingling feeling spread through my veins.

It only continued to grow, grow and grow until it wasn't even inside me anymore; a black flash enveloped the surroundings, blinding all four of us. When the light faded, I saw Lodestar staring at me in shock, just like the way Vinjo glanced at Lyrii.

"I'm healed!" I gasped, realising that the bulging blue veins on my body, that had appeared after my first use of Lyrii, had miraculously disappeared. But soon my shocked expression melted into a sinister one as I released a golden talon and instructed, "Time to get ready, Lodestar. For our new plan."

Fang POV
"Enough already!" I yelled at the annoying, buzzing wasp that hovered high in the sky. It was a solitary Vika, and that made me wonder how it had been created. Vikana was already drained terribly—there was no way she could have made one with her energy levels.

Thank goodness solitary Vikas only had a lifespan of fifteen minutes. Being created by emotional energy which ran out quickly, the short-lived Vikas would run out of fuel before doing major damage. Only when bonded with an avinia could the monster feed off the avinia's boundless energy.

We had just defeated Diprox and saved the boy it had taken hostage when a loud alarm sounded in my head. At first, I thought it was my olfactory senses being paranoid, but then I realised it wasn't imaginary. It was actually there. Which could only mean one thing.

As the seven of us' eyes met, we all saw our own dread echoed in others. Because someone important was in danger.


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