V1. Chapter 9 - I Don't use Medicine

Start from the beginning

Senpai gave him a confused look while letting out a breath. He extended his hand toward Kouji San. It's a trap... Kouji San seemed to notice it too as he slapped Senpai's arm right away with his left hand. "Good reflexes. I didn't imagine you could evade all my blows so quickly. Also, you seemed to understand what I was trying to do quite well. Have you been taught?" Finally stopping his attacks, he started questions. 

"Yes. I was taught Piano and Calligraphy. I also won a music competition in elementary school." Typical Kouji San answered him the other way around. Why am I not surprised?... At least, he said that he was taught 'something'. Piano and Calligraphy. Horikita Senpai's expression was priceless. "Ah. Now I see. Are you in class D? You were the student who scored 50's across the board. You even scored 50 on a recent quiz. The exact half of 100. Was that intentional?" Horikita Senpai knowing his scores, asked the obvious. How experienced is he in martial arts though? He avoided them all quite well. 

"Wow. What a coincidence." He replied as I sweatdropped at his repeated answer. He wouldn't change it... At all. I could say Horikita Senpai was speechless inside his mind. "You're quite the unique boy. I'm surprised that you've made a friend, Suzune." She denied his words while looking up at him. "No. He's not my friend... just a classmate." I could sense disappointment in Horikita Senpai's voice. "As usual, you're mistaking solitude with isolation." Ouch. Those words hurt me too. But, Senpai... You wouldn't be saying that if you were to be in my shoes. 

He started walking in this direction. So, I had to stop the recording and save it while running away from my hiding spot towards the other alley to my right. I hid behind the wall while observing his direction. He was going back towards the third-year dormitories. I made a detour toward the third-year dormitories too. 

When I spotted him again, I increased my pace and went near him. He seemed to not notice my presence at all. Ah. Right. I don't make any step sounds while walking. "Horikita Senpai." I called out to him from behind and he turned around hearing his name. His eyes were slightly widened in surprise as he turned around. "Takahashi Kun? What are you doing at the third-year dormitories at this hour?" He asked me as I tilted my head as it was obvious from my attire. 

"I was taking a walk, Horikita Senpai. But, I did come across something interesting." He looked at me with curious eyes. "Something interesting? What that might be?" I nodded at him and played the video where he pinned Horikita San to the wall and paused it. "Hmph. I see. So, you were eavesdropping too." He asked while adjusting his glasses. "You seemed suspicious in a uniform at this hour. So don't blame-" He didn't let me finish and dashed towards me while aiming his right arm at me. I immediately slapped it away brazing myself for some physical contact. If I either blocked it or caught it, he would throw me to the ground or attack with his other hand instead. 

"Slow down, Senpai. I don't like physical tou-" He cut me off again and threw a jab at my face. I ducked and made a low sweep to which he jumped away backward. "Tsk." I clicked my tongue at him for trying to attack me. "I see. You're also taught. On what field of martial arts?" He asked me specifically this time remembering the before incident. I stood up straight while frowning at him. "It's hard to say since it's a bit complicated. But, I can give you the word that you won't stand a chance against me, Horikita Senpai." 

He looked baffled at first. "I see... So, you have some good experience in this field. Most impressive-" I decided to cut him off this time wanting to punish him for attacking me first. I dashed forward and launched a head kick at him with my left leg and he blocked it with his right arm to the side. I repeated the attack with my right leg and he ducked lightly under it. Before he recovered, I threw a high punt kick at his defensive arms as he lost balance. I turned around and was about to launch a spinny kick but I had to hold back since he wasn't defensive enough. 

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