Chapter 1

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Being back here was a mistake that I could feel deep inside my cold heart, but one I chose to ignore despite the consequences. I've missed being back here in my hometown of Grand Springs. It's the one place that allowed me to remember what it was like to be human.

"Tabitha, how long are you staying this time?" Grace asked, standing in my doorway, trying to keep her distance. She cautiously raised her hand, flipping her chestnut hair over her shoulder.

"I'm not sure. Why?" I walked toward the bathroom.

"I was just curious, is all." Her brows furrowed. "It's just..." Her voice trailed off; her eyes drifted to the floor.

"I promised I wasn't going to do anything while I was here. I've got to get ready for school."

"I was just making sure." She turned and walked down the stairs.

I walked into the bathroom, catching my reflection in the mirror. I looked like every other girl in the world, except that I was hiding a deep secret behind my ice-blue eyes.

I pulled into the school parking lot, making sure to park toward the back of the lot. I grabbed my things and started walking toward the front of the school. I couldn't help but scan the lot for Blake Donovan. I knew I could never be with him, so I couldn't understand why I had this longing to look for him. I tried to keep to myself as much as possible to keep the urge at bay. But there is always that one person who insists on wanting to be my friend. Little did they know being my friend was not the brightest idea. At the moment, that person was Sophie Ellis.

"Hey, Tabitha! Wait up!" Sophie called out from behind me. I could hear her feet thumping the pavement like a herd of elephants charging toward me. Some things were easier to block out than others. "Are you ready for the test today? I was up most of the night trying to cram for it." She twirled her raven curl between her fingers. "I need some coffee right about now and didn't have time to go by and get some." She sighed, dropping her curl, letting it fall to her down over her shoulder.

"I glanced over the review last night. But I've already gone over this chapter at my last school." I kept my eyes focused on the school as we weaved through the crowds headed to the doors, too. I had to keep my concentration on something other than the blood pumping through everyone's veins. "I'll see you in History class." I turned, walking down the hall to the left, while Sophie kept walking straight down the main hall. It was nice having someone to talk to, even though it was dangerous for her.

"Morning class." Mr. Austin announced, walking to his desk over in the far corner of the classroom. "Everyone put your phones away and leave your books out. I've decided you can use your books for the test." Mr. Austin set his to-go coffee cup on his desk, sliding his backpack down off his arm onto the floor behind his desk. "You've got the entire class to take the test, so don't rush through it. Seeing it's an open book, there shouldn't be any failing grades on this test." His eyes narrowed, trying to make eye contact with each of us. Little did he know that his stare-down didn't affect me like it did the rest of his class. I played along with the little game and tried to act intimidated. If anyone should be scared, it should be Mr. Austin.

The whispers of everyone in the classroom vibrated in my ears, making it hard to concentrate on my test. I kept glancing up, making sure it wasn't whispers I was hearing. Mr. Austin had his nose stuck in his computer, not paying attention. It's been years since I'd been in a classroom surrounded by everyone whispering. I have been away in England for the last few years, keeping to myself. I lowered my head for a few minutes, trying to block out how they should've read the chapter, wondering if some guy liked them and how I could be so beautiful. My eyes shot wide open, perusing the classroom for the one who whispered that I was beautiful. I didn't want to turn all the way around in my chair, but I couldn't tell which direction it had come from. After a few minutes of gazing on either side of me, the whispers had subsided enough that I could block them out better and go back to acing this exam.

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