Chapter 14

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" Everybody good?" Natasha asked, as they saw Melina and Alexei walking slowly towards them, Melina limping. " You look like an old lady." Irina stated, and Melina flipped her off. " I guess that's where I get it from." Irina said back, earning a chuckle from everyone. " I am clearly injured, Natasha" Melina said, answering her question while Alexei stayed silent. " You got anything to say?" Yelena asked, and Alexei smiled, saying, " I'd just mess it up". Irina hugged them both, and they were shocked. " I forgive you guys." she whispered, and they were both crying. She stepped back, holding Natasha's hand. She let go for a moment to reach out to Alexei's hand, before putting Irina's back in hers. " Here comes the cavalry." Natasha muttered, and Irina asked if she was going to be a criminal without actually doing anything, getting looks from her entire family. They ignored the question, " So what's the plan?" Melina asked. " You guys go. Irina and I are staying. But Irina, you have to hide." Natasha said, giving Irina a look, and the young girl nodded. " That's insanity. We fight. We fight with you. Irina is our flesh and blood; she comes with us." Alexei said, and Irina shook her head, smiling. " I'll come visit, I promise, but I need help controlling my powers. What happened before should not happen again without my mental say so. Her parents nodded, and she went to hug them. She stayed by their side. " " I'll hold them off." she said, inciting war. She snorted when her mom called Natasha "pigheaded". " You guys go. If it can work out with the five of us, you know, there may be some hope for the Avengers. Little bit. " Natasha said, and Irina shrugged. In a moment of sisterhood, Yelena gave Natasha her vest with all the " very handy pockets" as Yelena said. Irina took out the picture she had stolen from the apartment at the beginning of this journey, and handed it to Yelena. " Sisters forever Nena. I'll see you soon." Irina said, giving the sister who took care of her all these years the biggest hug she could give. Natasha gave her the last vial of the antidote, and told her she should be the one they see when she frees them. Yelena nodded, knowing she had a purpose now free of Dreykov. It made her smile a bit. They heard a jet and turned around, Melina still limping. Yelena walked forward while Natasha put a hand around Irina's shoulder. Although Irina could hear what the widows were saying, she didn't want to. It was something Yelena should have to herself. She continued walking toward the ship, but Irna sprinted to give her one last hug. " If you need to come stay with me, you know how to find me." Yelena told her, and Irina nodded. " I love you Nena." Irina said, and Yelena responded the same to her. Irina was walking away from her with tears in her eyes. She sprinted back to Natasha, who was being told to take care of herself. " Don't worry Melina, I'll take care of her." Irina said, earning a look from Natasha and a snigger from Melina. " I'll come visit, I promise." Irina said to her parents, and Melina nodded. " Just be safe, and stick together, my girls." Melina said, and the girls nodded. Before they could walk off Irina ran into their arms, and Alexei easily hoisted her up. " I'll miss you Mom and Dad. Take care of yourselves. I'll see you!" Irina said to them, and Melina was crying because her daughter had called her mom. Alexei was over the moon about her calling him Dad. " Thank you, my girl. We love you, always." Melina replied, and Irina nodded, and they started walking away. The last thing she heard was the sisters' secret whistle before Yelena was walking off as well, tears in her eyes. Irina and Natasha watched as they zoomed off into the sky. " GUess it's just us now huh?" irina asked. " It will never be just us, but yes only us two are left." Natasha responded. Irina heard cars in the distance, and knew something was coming. " Go and hide. Don't do anything that would acknowledge your existence here, okay?" Natasha said, and Irina nodded, but before she could speed off she heard Natasha ask, " Will you ever forgive me? For what I did"? Irina turned around and smiled. "With time I might. After all, how does that saying go? Time heals all wounds." she said, before smiling, and speeding off to hide. 

Time Heals All WoundsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang