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Irina was leaning on the plane when Natasha got there, smirking. It had been two weeks, and they were on the run still. Or Natasha was; Ross had no idea she existed, and she planned to keep it that way. Natasha had gone blonde which still took some getting used to from Irina (" I always liked the blonde, brunette, redhead jokes, and now we can't do that anymore." was said A LOT) but she grudgingly admitted it looked good on her. Natasha never took off Yelena's vest anymore, and Irina found it cute, but told Natasha she needed to wash it once in a while, which she never appreciated. Whenever she could, Irina had been writing letters to Yelena and her parents who had separated only a few days earlier. Yelena was always in a different place, trying to unmask widows, while her parents lived in their house, outside St. Petersburg, comfortable and happy. She was hoping to visit them soon, but with everything going on, she knew there was a chance she wouldn't. " You like?" Irina asked about the plane, and Natasha turned to the agent, and told him that she was impressed, which he was thrilled about. Then Natasha was getting sappy which caused a lot of sniggering from Irina who was still by the " avengers super-jet" as her dad would call it. " Where you both gonna go?" he asked, and Irina yelled, " PRISON BREAK!" She was super excited about it. Natasha gave her a death stare, before explaining about not having family and then having two, and one she was gonna put back together with her other family's help. Irina was getting bored; " Oh my god Nat let's go, you're taking forever!" Irina yelled, and Natasha rolled her eyes. She waved bye, and opened the plane for Irina to get into, before jumping into the plane herself. " And you said you don't do 'hero-speeches.'" Irina said sarcastically. " How did Yelena put up with you?" Natasha asked, starting the plane up, and Irina strapped in next to her. " You love me." Irina shot, and Natasha shrugged, " Doesn't mean you're not a pain in my ass". They both laughed as they sped off into the sunset, ready for the next challenge they were about to face: living with each other.

THE END (of book 1)

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