Chapter 13

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Irina was falling when she woke up, no longer on her parents' plane. Her eyes were normal now, but her hands were still shaking from the immense use of whatever was inside her. The sky was blue, and debris was still falling. The only difference was the lack of soldiers from her blast. Hundreds of soldiers that had been after her and her family were now dead, and she didn't really know how to feel. But it didn't matter, she needed to find her parents, or Natasha. Unless she killed them too. Irina prayed she hadn't, feeling immense fear and premeditated guilt. The ground was getting closer, and closer, but Irina breathed, using the technique she had found helped her with her powers, before levitating herself, and slowly controlling her fall to the ground. She rolled a bit, and looked around; no one was there. Just debris that had missed her surge. She stood for a moment before she heard grunts in the distance, and followed her hearing. In the far clearing she could see clearly it was Natasha and the Taskmaster, and ran over. " Antonia!" she yelled, stopping everything. The taskmaster looked to Irina, and Irina kept walking toward her. " Antonia, let me take it off, okay?" Irina whispered, sending a small bit of magic toward her, trying to get a sense of how she would feel. She didn't move, and Irina came closer, still out of reach, but close enough that she had control when she used her telekinesis to remove her helmet. The only sound heard was the sound of a CLANK on the dirt. Irina made eye contact with the woman, and she returned it. There was a smash of glass, and red powder shot up again, and Antonia stood still as it was absorbed into her skin. " He's gone right?" she whispered, and Irina nodded, " He'll never hurt you again. And you'll be okay now." Irina whispered, and Antonia pulled her in for a hug. " You saved me every time I couldn't mimic you. Thank you for giving me a brief respite, and thank you for freeing me." she said to Irina who nodded in appreciation before going to Natasha, who was basically passed out on the floor. " Natasha, I'm sorry. She's dead- yelena's dead" she cried, but Natasha shook her head, " She was alive when I parachuted her, Ri." Natasha said, and Irina stopped crying immediately, now holding on to a bit of hope that her sister was alive. " You mean my power surge was for nothing?" Irina asked. " Yeah I saw that by the way. You okay?" she asked, and Irina nodded. " Irina, I'm so sorry. For everything." Natasha said with tears in her eyes, and Irina nodded, hugging her sister for the first time, crying into each other's shoulders. " You are my sister." Natasha whispered, and Irina squeezed her tighter. They let go a moment later, and started walking to find other people. " You know I have a friend with very similar powers, about your age. She could help you- we all could help with controlling your powers. You could do some good. And we could mend whatever relationship we have." Natasha suggested, and Irina smiled, nodding.

They started running when they saw the parachute with Irina using super speed. She saw Yelena lying there, and started crying, Natasha coming a few seconds later. " Nena?" Irina asked, and Yelena's eyes fluttered open, looking at both her sisters' faces. She smiled at them, and said, " We're both upside down." meaning different things to both sisters, but still the same at the same time. Irina laughed, and Natasha even let out a chuckle. She sat up, and Irina curled into her, whispering " I'm sorry" over and over. Yelena shook her head, and comforted her before Natasha took both their shoulders into her hands, and said, " Forgive me little sisters. I should have come back for you." Natasha said to them, crying. " You don't have to say that." Yelena said. " Better late than never. " Irina said, earning a slight chuckle. Natasha turned to Yelena and told her it was real to her too, which made Irina start crying all over again. Irina snuggled into Natasha's arms before being pulled into a group hug. " I missed this." Irina whispered, happy she finally had her sisters once again. 

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