Chapter 4

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Irina was helping Yelena clean her cut when Natasha bought them drinks: Yelena a beer, and Irina a slushie. " You realize I'm technically 21 right?" she said to her sister. " Except you have the metabolism of a 15 year old, and look like one. I'm not gonna be the cause of underage drinking." Natasha shot, and Irina flipped her off, muttering, "saint Natasha" sarcastically under her breath before taking the slushie, and taking a swig from yelena's beer. She spaced out when Yelena and Natasha started talking about the counteragent. That is until it got personal. When Irina heard how Yelena got out she was heartbroken. Natasha got out before this was invented, and Irina for reasons unknown wasn't affected by it. But she saw what it did to other people, to her sister. And suddenly she was mad at Natasha all over again. " Excuse me." she muttered, and ran toward the bushes.

    She broke anything she could find, and let her darkness free. The black energy that came out of her was swift and fierce just like its maker. Anything it touched was brutalized, so when it was over half the bushes were destroyed. Not even Yelena knew about this side of her powers, no one did. She had it somewhat under control and wanted to keep it under wraps. As much as she was upset at Natasha she did not want to accidentally kill her. She walked back to her sisters to see Natasha helping Yelena with her wound, and her arm started throbbing. She had forgotten about the bullet in her arm, and by the time she sat back down her arm was in pain. " Irina, your arm!" Natasha exclaimed concernedly, but Irina brushed it off as she focused. With pain riddled determination she used her telekinetics to take it out to both her sisters' shock. When the bullet was gone she watched as her skin slowly closed itself up until nothing was left but a faint scar. Yelena was going on and on about Dreykov and the widows and Irina couldn't help but cry. She had been one of those girls; no one to protect her from Dreykov's wrath like everyone else. Unlike everyone else she was second generation; her mother was a widow according to her sisters. She had no choice in this life, and her mother had no choice in keeping her or not. Yelena noticed, and pulled her sister in using her good arm, trying to comfort her as much as possible. " And no one's even looking for him, thanks to you and Alexei." Yelena stated, shrugging Irina out of her trauma stupor. She knew exactly who Alexei was, and wondered why the hell she was bringing him up. " Alexei?" Natasha asked. " Dad." Yelena said sarcastically. " Did you ever look for your parents? Your real ones?" Irina asked suddenly, looking off to the children nearby. " My mom abandoned me in the street like garbage so..." Natasha trailed off. " They destroyed my birth certificate, so I don't even know who they are. But I reinvented myself like we used to do when we were little." Yelena said, and Irina smiled at the memories of doing that under darkness. " We were all born in Ohio, and our parents are still there. Natasha, you're a science teacher out west part-time, while Irina is in a high school in Ohio. You have a son, Natasha, hence the part-time; your husband renovates houses. Irina has a boyfriend, and they are extremely happy together." Yelena said with finality. Natasha laughed, and I smiled. " That is not my story." Natasha said, and Yelena asked what her story was then. " I never let myself be alone long enough to think about it." Natasha responded. " Well, that's not healthy." Irina said to her, and Natasha flipped her off. " You two are going to need to talk about everything soon enough you know." Yelena said, giving the two sisters a once over. " Shut up." Irina said, annoyed that she was right. Then they moved on to a different subject: kids.

    " Did you ever wish for kids?" Yelena asked, and Natasha was silent, but Irina could tell she did wish for it. " Yelena wants a dog." Irina blurted, and Yelena nodded in agreement. " I want kids." Irina whispered, and Yelena looked at her, kind of surprised, but Irina shrugged. " Well as long as I'm the favorite aunt I'm fine with that. Your vagina won't be though." Yelena said, and Irina went bright red, smacking her sister upside the head. " Where are you guys gonna go?" Natasha asked changing the subject. " Probably anywhere." Yelena said. " It's not like we have anywhere to go back to because you guys destroyed my fucking apartment." Irina said, to the two of them. " It was mine first so..." Natasha trailed off. " Suck my dick Natasha, it was mine much longer than it was yours." Irina shot. " Don't. " Yelena suddenly said, and Irina looked at her weirdly. " Don't what?" Natasha asked. " Oh, no Natasha you better not make some dumbass hero speech." Irina said to her, suddenly noticing the look on Yelena's face. " Speeches aren't really my thing." Natasha said, and Irina silently thanked whatever higher being was up there for that. " But it was an invitation." Natasha continued, and Irina looked at her weirdly. " For what?" she asked. " To go to the red room and kill dreykov- right?" Yelena said, turning to her, and Natasha nodded. "Even though the Red Room is impossible to find, and Dreykov is too slippery to kill." Irina said, confused, drinking some of her slushie. " Sounds like a shitload of work." Yelena said, and Natasha smiled at her. " Could be fun though." Natasha said, and Irina looked at the two of them like they were aliens or something. " You're not seriously considering this right? This is suicide." Irina said to them. They both shrugged, and suddenly Irina felt like the odd one out. They said something about keys, and where he put them, and Irina was so confused. " So we're just gonna saunter off to our deaths like its nothing?" Irina asked, and the older sisters both nodded. " I am so glad we are not blood related." Irina stated, and they all laughed, even Natasha. " Let's go." Natasha said, and they got into the car, and left.

    " Next time Yelena I'm shotgun." Irina grumbled from the back. " Be faster next time." Yelena retorted, and Irina smiled while giving her the finger. " Natasha I get your theme colors are black and red but seriously, the car too?" Irina asked, and with one hand on the wheel Natasha flipped her off. Yelena started talking about her vest, and Irina was laughing at the stupidity of it all. Not the vest and having control over life, but Yelena's need for Natasha's approval. " You are the most stereotypical case of middle child syndrome ever, Nena." Irina stated. " Fuck off." Yelena retorted. " I really don't know where the Red Room is though I'm sorry." Yelena said to Natasha. " It's fine, I think I know somebody who does. But we're going to need a jet." Natasha stated, and Irina slapped her hand against her forehead, praying that her sisters wouldn't get her killed.

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