Chapter 11

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" Should I do it?" Yelena asked. " I will if you do." Irina said, and they both nodded. They watched the soldiers walk by underneath them, and when it was cleared, Irina took out her phone, and started videoing without Yelena's knowledge, knowing she was about to do something incredibly blackmail worthy. Yelena jumped down, and landed. In Natasha's pose. Irina held back her tears of laughter, as she jumped down normally, putting her phone away. " That was disgusting." Yelena said, shuddering. " I'll say." Irina smirked. " You didn't even do it- that's not fair." Yelena whined, and Irina smirked even more, " I said I'd do it, I never said when". Yelena was fuming, as they both walked, making sure every area was cleared. A soldier was in front of cold storage, and Irina broke his neck from around the corner. " Was that really necessary?" Yelena asked. " Is it necessary for them to look like Black Stormtroopers? Who does Dreykov think he is- fucking Darth vader?" Irina shot back. Yelena just stared at her weirdly before draggin the dead man to the biometric lock and placing his fingers on it to grant them access. " Next time, I'll do it." Yelena said, and Irina shrugged. " You watch. I'll retrieve." Yelena whispered, and Irina nodded. " Melina, I've found the location of the vials." Irina heard, and she heard that Melina had a slight setback in response, and Irina groaned. Of course this plan just had to go wrong. She just prayed she didn't die in the hellhole she was raised in. They needed to get to the location of the widows, and Irina knew this plan was bound to get worse before it was better. Yelena was out with the antidotes, and they continued on the way, both giving knowing looks that this was far from over.

" Yelena, slight change of plan. I've completely demolished one of the engines, and we are going into a controlled crash." was Irina's way of finding out why everything had gone crazy in the span of two minutes, and was now following Yelena at a humanly fast pace, but a relatively slow pace for her. " Oh really? Thought it was a fucking earth quake." Irina yelled, and Melina told her not to curse at her mother. " Oh you do NOT wanna go there." Irina retorted, still running after Yelena. " Fantastic, I'm heading to the widows now." Yelena said, and Irina stopped. " Don't bother, Yelena- they won't be there. The red alarm is going off, you know what that means. They've been summoned." Irina said, speeding the other way, but Yelena didn't follow. Irina stopped, and waited despite the ceiling practically falling on her- she moved those pieces out of the way before they hit her. Yelena came out with tons of weapons, including a makeshift antidote grenade. She threw some stuff to Irina who caught it with ease, and grinned. " Nice".

" We gotta go." Irina said, strapping every weapon she had to some part of her body. They started running toward the place they knew the widows were going- Dreykov's office.
" Are you ready to face him, Irina?" Yelena panted out, and Irina nodded stubbornly, still running. " He never broke me because I had you two, and that was his biggest mistake. And I'm going to make sure he realizes it." Irina panted venomously. " Good girl." Yelena said, patting her on the back as they avoid bits of ceiling, metal bars, and getting lost.

Of course Irina ran ahead, between adrenaline, and her enhanced speed, it was no surprise to Yelena or to her. She ran into Dreykov's office, and was shocked at what she saw. At least a hundred widows, and one Natasha. Irina screamed her big sister's name, not caring about the attention it would attract. The girls turned to her, still holding Natasha back, and still beating her. " You have no idea who you're starting with." Irina muttered. " Touch her again, and you'll have me to deal with." Irina seethed, but they didn't listen. " That's it, I'm pissed." Irina said, and her eyes turned black. "Move, now!" Irina yelled at her older sister. " Don't hurt them, they're under the influence of Melina's serum." Natasha said, and Irina turned around, her eyes black as death. " I'll try." she said, before turning back to the girls. Her powers surged forward, and she blasted every girl away from Natasha. " Look who's on the floor now bitches." Irina sneered. Suddenly something exploded, and red dust was spread everywhere. Irina helped Natasha off the floor, and looked in awe at the red around her. Her eyes turned back to normal, and she put her hands up cautiously as girls who previously were beating Natasha weren't anymore, and were just looking around scared. Then Irina saw Yelena, and smirked. " Next time, keep up." Irina said, and Yelena flipped her off. " You're dealing with the shoulder, my adrenaline is high right now, and I'm gonna break it if I touch it." Irina said to Yelena who nodded, and looked at Natasha's shoulder. She said she would take it out on three but Irina jumped as Natasha yelled in pain quickly, as Yelena took out the knife. "What do we do?" one of the widows asked, and Natasha answered that they were free, and to get the hell out. There was an explosion, and suddenly people started moving. " We need to find Dreykov, are you coming?" Yelena asked, and Irina looked at Natasha. " I'll be right behind you." she said, and irina felt that bump in her pocket, and knew what Natasha was about to do. She started running, but "fell behind." " Damn it, where is it?" Natasha muttered, looking around. " If anyone is dismantling the widows it's me." Irina said, walking toward her, ring in hand. " You sneaky minx." Natasha said, and Irina smiled, walking toward the console. " You know what to do?" Natasha asked, and Irina nodded, putting the ring down and sliding it diagonally. " Why are you doing this?" Natasha asked. " Get out of here Natasha. I'm the one least likely to die doing this. You're needed in this world, the world can live without me." Irina said, typing, looking at the screen. Another chunk of ceiling fell down, and Irina yelled at Natasha to go. Natasha didn't have time to even tell her she was sorry, or that her family needed her in the world. But she listened to her not-so-little sister, and ran out.

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