Prologue 2

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She was bloody, and cold. So so cold. She had cut every place she could think of to take out trackers, leaving her bloody, all over her arms, legs, and stomach. All the things she had stolen to protect her from the cold were slowly starting to not work, and there was nothing around for miles. Her abilities had nothing for being cold. The fact she wasn't dead right then and there kind of scared her. She had no idea where she was, or what she would do once she found civilization. If she ever did. She had been following the North Star during the night, that being the only source of direction she had. It had been days since she had escaped, but it seemed like hope was lost for the young Irina. That is until she saw it- a gate. A gate meant a structure, and she ran toward it. She had no idea what lay in wait, but she figured it was better than being on ice for what seemed like the rest of her life. Using whatever strength she had left she climbed the wired gate, before passing out in the snow.

The first thing she noticed when she woke up was that she felt warm. And comfortable. She sat up from where she laid, and looked around. It was a house, but who in the hell would live all the way out here she wondered. "Hello?" she asked, and a woman suddenly appeared. " You're awake. Good." she said, as if she knew about Irina's quick healing. " Why do I know you?" Irina asked before gasping in recognition. It was the scientist who had comforted her, and called her "little warrior" when she had undergone the vampire serum. " Yes Irina, I am that woman who gave you the serum all those years ago." the woman said, knowing the girl had finally figured it out. "I'm not going back. Stay away from me!" Irina yelled, quickly getting up from her place by the fire. " Irina, calm down, I will not send you back there. But you cannot stay here. I have already arranged for a plane to come get you when you are well again, and as soon as the winter storm has passed." the scientist said to her. Irina was still on her guard, but breathed a slight sigh of relief at the notion of leaving wherever she was. Speaking of, " Where are we, and what's your name"? " You'll know in time sweet girl. But as to where you are, we are right outside of St. Petersburg." the mysterious scientist told her, and she nodded. "Come, we must prepare you for the journey ahead." the scientist told her, beckoning her closer. With distrust in her eyes, and caution in her steps, she followed the woman.

A couple of months later

The snow had finally begun to thaw, and Irina was leaving soon. She had become extremely friendly with the woman who had saved her. On multiple occasions Irina had to run and hide in the snow when the Red Room came calling upon the scientist. But the scientist never gave them a hint that there was someone very important in their vicinity, and Irina was very grateful for it. So, when the plane landed on the landing strip, Irina was reluctant to leave. "We will see each other again." the woman told her. She gave her a peck on the forehead, handed Irina bags filled with food, water, clothes, and weapons. "Thank you." Irina said, and she meant it. Soon, Irina was above the clouds heading to destinations unknown.

Flashback- age 15('15)

She had been living here for some time now. Waiting. 6 and a half years, but she only aged 2. She tried to live a normal life; she went to school, and went out on the town when she could. But she found that normal didn't suit her. Especially with her background. She couldn't make close friends, for fear of their lives, so she kept her distance. She had come home from school with some work to do, so imagine her surprise when she came back into her safehouse to find her sister lying on the floor.

" Nena. Nena Wake up!" she said to her sister, using smelling salts and whatever else she could think of to get her awake. She awoke finally, and saw the face of the person she had been looking for since she escaped. " RiRi. I found you." she whispered, before bursting into tears, and pulling Irina into a hug. Later, she explained how she escaped, and what she had found out, amid Irina trying to stitch up her wounds, and heal her. Yelena told her about the serum, the mind control, all of it, even though they both knew Irina already knew. "They want you. They have never stopped looking for you." she said, and Irina tensed. She had always lived her life looking over her shoulder, but to hear that it wasn't for nothing was still kind of a shock. Yelena already started working on getting the antidote out of their house and lives. " You really want to send that to her? How do we know she'll know what to do? How do we know she'll even want to talk to us? How do we know she won't just send it back, and go on living her superhero life?" Irina asked. " Better to try." is all Yelena responded. Irina shrugged, and went to start her homework. LIttle did she know it would be her last year before her life was uprooted yet again.

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