Irina Vostakoff

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Born: November 8, 1994

Brown hair, green eyes, grows to be about 5'6(if anyone has a face claim for her put it in the comments!)

Qualities: Irina is SUPER vocal in her opinions. She has a lot of independence, and a fierce loyalty to those she loves. She is extremely sarcastic, and not good at taking orders from authority figures. She has a lot to figure out with her mysterious parentage, and her mysterious abilities she was given (although she doesn't always consider those abilities a gift). Very agile, and top of her class in the Red Room. She is extremely mistrusting especially towards those who have wronged her in some way. She is very agile and quick both physically and mentally. She is extremely smart, but can be impulsive.

Abilities: (From the vampire serum)- She is the only one taskmaster cannot mimic. She is beyond normal stealthy. This serum makes her impossible to mind control which the Red Room wasn't aware of. She has vampiric qualities such as heightened senses, super strength, speed, agility, and stealth. Instead of immortality she ages slowly. She also can heal faster than normal. 

She has abilities that are very similar to Wanda's as you will see throughout the story. There is a reason for that that will be said in Book 2- I promise I'm not unimaginative lol

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